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A Short Thought on a Great Game

Certain games stand out to me in my memory due to how uniquely they affected me or used fairly uncommon techniques. Sometimes the industry subsequently adopts what made those games impactful, for example, over-the-shoulder view from Resident Evil 4.

I have never had a game's control scheme elicit an emotion, however, which is what happened when I played the last section of Brothers. The designers exploited the neuroplasticity of the player's brain and its need to find relationships, which, for me, caused an association to develop between one of the brothers and how I controlled him.

With that, as I played the final parts, like Pavlov's salivating dog except with involuntary feelings, I felt the emotional connection when the spatial connection that had been there through the game was no longer present. I hope that that all was intentional on the part of those behind the game. If so, I'm impressed at how smart it was to work that in such a way as to accentuate the ultimate moments of the story. For this, I will always remember Brothers.

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