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Two Game of Thrones Fans Before Season 4

As some of you might know, Game of Thrones, season 4, will premiere April 2. I wanted to interview some fans of the show just to get their takes on the books and series. Both said they were excited for the new season to start.

I have not seen many episodes or read the books mostly due to the time commitment, but I would like to give Game of Thrones a more in-depth chance once the series is over.

Of the episodes I have seen, it seems cool. I watched about three episodes over at a friend's house before leaving for the Navy. The main problem for me, I think, was I didn't have the context of what had happened previously to let the show capture me like it has so many others.

If I had to choose between the books and the show, I'd probably read the books first then catch the show.

If you have any experience with GoT, what is your opinion on it?

I also wouldn't mind critiques on the video. Thanks a lot.

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