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Nevryn's comments

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@sectus said:

I feel like people in comments won't ever be happy unless Giant Bomb crew avoids every single mistake, which is not a very realistic expectation (I'm sure people would get annoyed if they had someone looking over their shoulder whenever they play pointing out every little thing they do wrong).

And more importantly, this series would be so less entertaining if they did everything perfectly. If you get a good start and get good upgrades early on, then the entire game is surprisingly easy on Normal difficulty, even when played with Iron Man setting. I'm happy that it's uncertain whether they'll finish the game at this rate (I'd bet they will though).

this is precisely right. anyone coming to this series expecting an optimized or pro run at this thing isn't seeing the forest for the trees.

all of the fun, drama and substance to this series comes from the (sometimes flagrant) imperfections. all of the weird 'omfg dan sux' or 'i can't handle a gb playthrough' comments got old like, 15 episodes ago.

it sometimes makes me question if commenters really understand what this website is all about.

No this isn't right, having some drama isn't bad, making A TON of foolish moves is annoying to watch. What happened with Dan last round was fun to watch, he made a couple of missteps but was able to turn it around or get lucky. What happened with Abby this round was just not entertaining and bad to watch. Of course everyone has their own opinions on this and everyone here should know GB NEVER reads promps, and Abby has a streak of making bad clicks like her rocket click. Its not a bad game, its frustrating game play.

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@spedstyle: The dismiss wasn't from the team it was from the entire thing, bad game design sadly

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They'd not over looked this if they had come to PAX South last year. I got to check it out and got a free "too small for my fat ass" t-shirt and pin. I thought it seemed interesting but it didn't really grab me.

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@purc: I always called them muttons

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Are you guys ever going to go to the hanger and build more ships so you can shoot down those UFOs? Asking for my friend.. Cmdr Navarro

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I thought watching Abby and Alex play this was rough.... damn it damn and your selfishness. :(

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@ahifi said:


I had a moment of panic (Alex missing out on satellite adjacency bonus), followed by joy (Alex realised he had another free construction site), then depression (Alex built the workshop in the space under the satellite uplink).


If Vinny is checking this out, note for ya: get 'em to read the text a bit more and rely on you less. Satellite Uplink's text describes its adjacency bonus (I.e. bonus for when two satellite uplinks are built beside one another) which is very, very useful and could be critical to the health of your mission to shoot the alien people.

Other than that, I love this. However, can I recommend you do two battles per episode?

If you guys complete this, it's gonna go on way too long. I reckon two battles will take every episode to around about an hour which, in all honesty, is still totally fine and shorter than other serials you do.

Later missions do take longer, but you could cross that bridge when you reach it.

Every single bit of this, I was screaming at my screen for them to zap a guy... assign research... read the F-ing prompts! But god this series is great and making me want to do a play through of my own.