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Top 10 Metal Albums of 2014

Metal music, and its many forms, is a major part of who I am today. The first time I heard Metallica's "Ride the Lightning" was a turning point in my life. Fast forward to today, and I'm still consuming anything I can that is labeled as metal.

Normally I just do a top 10 list with friends, but this year, I thought I'd try something new by posting it to Giantbomb! I'm not sure how many duders listen to metal, but maybe I can introduce you to a genre you never gave a chance!

#10 - Bloodbath - Grand Morbid Funeral

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Bloodbath is a death metal supergroup. The lead singer has changed a few times over the years, with a mostly consistent lineup of instrumentalists. This year's release saw a brand new vocalist introduced, of whom I was initially not a fan. But, as with other Bloodbath releases, multiple listens were needed in order to get a full understanding. Grand Morbid Funeral feels more fun, and thrashy, than previous works. But still present are some of the most crushing riffs you'll ever hear. You can check out the full album here. I think this is my least favorite album from them, but it's still a competent release.

#9 - Occultation - Silence in the Ancestral House

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This is Occultation's sophomore album, and man is it an excellent follow up. Their first album was good, but it lost me at times due to some meandering passages within songs. This band isn't heavy in the sense of blast beats and down-tuned guitars, but heavy enough to where you'll find yourself banging your head. Featuring a female lead singer, Occultation builds dreamscapes that are both beautiful and terrifying. The band could be labeled as doom, but there's no sludgy slow riffs here. The guitar is fuzzy and fast, with constant tempo changes to keep it interesting. Check out "Laughter in the Halls of Madness".

#8 - Mortuus - Grape of the Vine

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Another sophomore release, Mortuus falls within the black metal genre - but not due to incessant tremolo picking or blast beats, but from the dismal atmosphere they create. This album has a bit more accessible vocals (only a bit) than their first. Instead of screaming or screeching, Mortuus employs more of a gravelly, quiet, chant - and brings the vocals forward in the mix compared to the previous album. Grape of the Vine is dark and contemplative, with a slower pace than normal in the black metal scene, and is a complete album with no chaff - every song has a purpose. Favorite track: Sulphur

#7 - Behemoth - The Satanist

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I wouldn't call myself a big fan of Behemoth. I've liked certain songs from certain albums over the years, but never did I like an entire album like I did with The Satanist. (Though their previous album, Evangelion, got close). I don't subscribe to any religion, including satanism, so what I took away from this album was 100% the music - fast, heavy and heartfelt. I may not agree with the band's views, but you can feel their conviction, and that alone makes this album an excellent experience. Behemoth has always blurred the lines between black and death metal, and you can expect more of that here. Favorite riff: Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer

#6 - At the Gates - At War With Reality

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At the Gates is one of the original Swedish death metal bands, and they had been split up for almost 20 years since their previous release, (and one of my favorite death metal albums ever), Slaughter of the Soul. Comebacks are hard to do, and after last year's triumphant returns from Gorguts and Carcass, there were high expectations for At the Gates. I honestly hoped for more, but this is a great album on its own. I wanted more At the Gates, and that's what they did. Check out "The Book of Sand". If you've never heard of At the Gates, I implore you listen to Slaughter of the Soul before anything!

#5 - Primordial - Where Greater Men Have Fallen

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Every time I think Primordial may disappoint me, I end up kicking myself. Can they do no wrong? Primordial shifted from folk-inspired black metal to a more toned-down folk heavy metal band quite some time ago. But let's emphasize heavy. They may have evolved in terms of sound, but their raw energy has not. The lead singer has an epic, empowering clean voice that can devolve into primal, gutteral screams that will make your blood freeze. Primordial has a knack for making me feel like I've been wronged by the world, and that I should stand and fight. A smattering of songs can be found here.

#4 - Thantifaxath - Sacred White Noise

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What's this? A band that hasn't been around for 20 years, let alone 5? Thantifaxath is a breath of fresh, but suffocating, air. I had never heard of them until this release, and I'm very glad I did. Sacred White Noise is a progressive, black metal piece that leads the listener down a dark path of despair and hopelessness. But amidst the misery, there is something uplifting about this record, that can only be explained through listening. Check out their bandcamp.

#3 - Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta III: Saturnian Poetry

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BAN is an enigma of sorts. Yet another band that has been around since the 90's, BAN has gone from black metal, to industrial, to experimental, back to black, and so on. The main man behind the project, Vindsval, is superbly talented at juggling multiple schools of thought in music. This year's album is a return to black metal, and is part of a "trilogy" that started all the way back in 1996. This is the form of BAN I prefer: fast, cold and focused. Vindsval is another example of a vocalist who can balance clean vocals with scratchy, grating growls. You can stream the entire album here.

#2 - Agalloch - The Serpent & The Sphere

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This was a tough call for #2. Agalloch has been pumping out excellent albums for a long time, and they didn't decide to just phone it in for 2014. This is a band that pushes themselves on every release, never quite sounding the same, and always evolving in some way. They're much more than black metal. This album will beat you to a pulp, pick you up with intermediate acoustic passages, until you're carried away again by walls of sound. Agalloch is excellent at creating gorgeous imagery with music alone, a talent not many bands possess. Bandcamp.

#1 - Winterfylleth - The Divination of Antiquity

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In only a short 6 years since their first release, Winterfylleth have gone from a standard folk-tinged black metal band to a top-notch folk black metal band. There was never enough time for stagnation with these guys. Every release saw them refine their sound until they arrived at The Divination of Antiquity, which is their 4th full length in those 6 years. Nothing is perfect, but this album is damn close, and has my favorite closing track of 2014. Another complete, worthwhile listening experience with no wasted space. Check it out.

I'd love to hear some more opinions on this year's metal releases, there were a lot! Here's some honorable mentions that I just couldn't squeeze into the top 10:

Mayhem - Esoteric Warfare listen

Triptykon - Melana Chasmata listen

Morbus Chron - Sweven listen

Impetuous Ritual - Unholy Congregation of Hypocritical Ambivalence listen

And last but not least, my EP of 2014:

Bolzer - Soma

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Bolzer is easily one of the most interesting new bands to the scene. They have a wholly unique sound that I had never heard before, and so far they only have a demo and 2 EP's. I'm anxiously waiting for a full length.

Soma is only 2 songs.

Thanks for reading!



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I really like the Black Metal sound, but I find the "Satanic" stuff silly, and you have to be careful to avoid the weird white power bullshit that can show up here and there. I obviously don't want anything to do with that business.

I mainly stick with Immortal.

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Edited By jakob187


No Crowbar's Symmetry in Black?! That should be a crime, man! A CRIME!

Other than that, I can't disagree with your list much more. Solid choices. It was a good year for metal. A VERY good year.

P.S. - Mine is still Tesseract's Altered State...from last year. That album hit my life at the right time, and I don't think it'll ever let go.

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@fisk0 said:

As a big fan of Merzbow, that sounds intriguing. Gotta check that out I guess. I've kinda fallen off metal beyond just listening to late 80's/early 90's norwegian black metal and the occasional Sunn O))) these days.

With the exception of a handful of tracks, Merzbow unfortunately takes a bit of a backseat and instead fills out the tracks with ambient noise, but it's still an extremely well done collaborative effort between both artists. The Merzbow contribution is not always easy to find but he is there, and when he gets the spotlight it really is a hell of a listen. There's a second disc to the album floating around out there named "Sister Fawn" which shifts the focus entirely to Merzbow and makes Full of Hell ride in the background, so if you leave the album wishing there was more Merzbow that's definitely something you'll want to look into.

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@figurehead00: yeah it is silly, some of the bands that take it very serious (watain, inquisition) are so good that I have to look past it though.

Also the white power thing sucks but I'm usually pretty good about avoiding those bands

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Edited By SubwayD

@nickhead said:

@figurehead00: yeah it is silly, some of the bands that take it very serious (watain, inquisition) are so good that I have to look past it though.

Also the white power thing sucks but I'm usually pretty good about avoiding those bands

Funny you should mention Inquisition. I really dig those guys. Was really getting into them, had bought all their albums only to stumble across a bunch of he-said/she-said bullshit about supposed white power ties for the band.

All I can say is that I'm not hearing it it in the music or lyrics, so what dumb shit Dagon got up to back in the day is water under the bridge.

I can let a lot of things slide if the band is awesome enough but stuff like finding out that the drummer on early Emperor work and Aborym stabbed someone to death because of "gay panic"... that ruined some of my favourite albums for me.

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@subwayd: Yeah I read about the Dagon stuff but he made a post on facebook about that all being false I believe? I hope so because that band has some killer records. Last year's album was excellent and I still listen to their old ones. And Dagon just seems to be a cool dude from interviews and such.

Also it is hard for me to fault an entire band for one member's antics, but the dark pasts of some of them is unfortunate. A good example of someone I don't support is Varg in Burzum. He's just a dick.

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Really solid list there, glad to see some folk stuff get represented on it. I'm a big fan of folk/viking metal in all it's incarnations but I actually haven't listened too much to Winterfylleth. I suppose I need to give them a go. Also outside of Obituary's Inked In Blood, I don't think I've had enough time with most of the releases of this year to form a valid opinion one way or the other. Been hanging on to a lot of stuff from last year and haven't been as active in seeking out the new stuff. I definitely need to remedy that.

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@nickhead: As I said, I can let a lot of this stuff slide and just enjoy the art. Sadly, murder, especially under really shitty circumstances, is one step too far. Can't listen to In the Nightside Eclipse without thinking about that stuff.

And Varg really is one of the crown dick-heads of the black metal scene!

Ah well. Extreme music attracting some extreme people. Moving along from this distasteful stuff...

Digging this thread! Cool seeing what you guys have picked up to get a sense of the stuff I've missed this year. Thanks for that. :)

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Hierophant's second album Peste came out about a month ago. It's pretty slick.

My favorite for this year.

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Edited By Tordah

That's a really solid list. I need to check out some of the albums I haven't heard yet.

Usually I keep up pretty well with the newest releases, but at the end of the year I always find myself needing an extra month or two to catch up with all the stuff I might have missed before I can make a list that I feel good about.

Anyway, here's my top 10 as it stands right now (in no particular order):

Bloodbath - Grand Morbid Funeral
Ne Obliviscaris - Citadel
Hannes Grossmann - The Radial Covenant
Morbus Chron - Sweven
Persuader - The Fiction Maze
Triptykon - Melana Chasmata
Mastodon - Once More 'Round The Sun
Beyond Creation - Earthborn Evolution
Revocation - Deathless
Sanctuary - The Year The Sun Died