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Cabin fever, cured.

    I got back from a trip to a cabin that a friend of mine has to shoot a movie and it was a mess... in both meanings of the word. Maybe it was my fault for bringing a PS3 with Rock Band and GTAIV along. There where 5 of us total and usually half of us were too distracted by the games to start shooting the movie. We would get into little arguments yelling to each other to put down the damn game so we could shoot this movie. It wasn't usually the same person that was getting yelled at, we would kind of rotate around the game.  We didn't get to filming till about midnight the second night we were there.

    Ok, we were trying to shoot this horror movie where a guy goes crazy and starts killing guys, you know a horror movie. But it was to dark to shoot half of the movie so we decided to shoot the other half where I die. So I have to pour this concoction of corn syrup, red food coloring, water, and for some odd reason red kool-aid which, combined, makes blood.  At first it was kind of cool to see myself as this bloody mess but soon after about 3 or 4 takes it turned into this terrible, sticky and uncomfortable situation. So we shot that and a few other deaths and stop to film the next day but then proceeded to clean up all the "Blood" that  had sprayed all over the room we were shooting in.

    I guess I should tell you that the camera we had was from my college that we rented for the weekend because I'm a film student, well technically a digital video student but I just say "film student" because I get less confusing looks that way, and they have better equipment. But anyways we went to start filming, shot one scene and then the battery died. I wasn't actually there when the battery died because I wasn't in this scene but I was in the cabin while the other guys where in the woods somewhere. I was playing Rock Band with my friend. So while I was playing the game I heard my friend in the distance yell "F**K!" because we got a camera that didn't come with a damn battery charger! We decided to stop because that's the only thing we could do at that point. So we played Rock Band some more and left the cabin. To finish another day...maybe.