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Developer in Develpment #2

Welcome friends! To the first 'real' edition of Developer in Development. Sadly with the exception of yesterday and today I was real lazy this week and spent far more time playing L4D2 and Borderlands with friends than I did coding, but never fear! I still have some stuff to show! So without further ado - The video.


What work I did do this week was mainly cleaning up all the code I had for collision and input that I'd haphazardly placed slap in the middle of the main game loop. Basically as soon as I tried to add full functionality to a second tank I realized that the way it was set up I had to copy and paste a few hundred lines of code and edit them to affect the second tank instead of the first(and this would have to be repeated for any further tanks). Clearly this would not do and a few hours of work later it now takes 4 function calls placed in the game loop to add a new fully functional tank to the game, so that's good. Other than that, as you can see in the video I added clickable buttons and a level select screen. I've actually had the levels loading from an XML file for a while now but I figured I'd show you guys that in the video while I was at it.
It's not the prettiest game ever and whilst it'd be real nice to try and make it look somewhat good I'm only marked on the code so that's where 90% of my effort is going. Now this is due in a bit under two weeks and I'm mostly happy about where its at, a few big things left to do though.
  • Set up tank/tank collision
  • Set up scoring 
  • Get options working 
  • Make a  win screen  
  • Make tank death / respawn system
  • Build particle system
  • Create a level editor (maybe) 
  • Set up enemy tank AI (unlikely)
Those last three aren't required in the assignment brief but I'd really like to get them working before handing it in.