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Hyped for what?

  I just can not see why people are hyped for the upcoming Halo: ODST game. It's Halo without Master chief.  Would anyone here be hyped if Sony created a Jak and Daxter game without Jak and Daxter? I believe not! Before you spam my inbox with "Halo's story can stand on it's own - while Jak and Daxter's story can not be fleshed out in any significant way" I would like to mention that, Yes Halo's story is interesting enough to expand on its own without it's epic hero, however Master Chief is pretty much the focus of all the previous Halo games. Losing the protagonist of this caliber it's self would somewhat destroy the fiction that the Halo universe had on the us. I suppose I will have my woes answered very soon. 
Are you guys hyped for this game? If so, state the reason.