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The Playstation Zeitgeist Episode One: I Must be Job...

Well - for the very first topic of the Zeitgeist, or should I say first episode - we deal with a problem.

My PSP 2000 went on the fritz after playing Star Ocean: The First Encounter. I was hoping it wasn't a huge problem, but it turned out it couldn't read the UMD's. Not to be outdone, I do expect to pay 89 bucks to fix it. But Thats not my concern. Even if i am dirt flat broke - I will pay any cost, bare any burden to get my PSP back in working order.  The reason being is that it does what I want any cursory portable asks of the Gameboy type - and does more than many would give it.

Sadly, many of us Video Game fans dont see it that way. I mostly think its the culture we live in. Dont get me wrong Im not a prude and some of you weeboos, wiiboys, pussy whipped men and wannabe truckers (yeah go watch that Advertisment once in a while with Howie Long and that fake son of a bitch trying to act all tough with a Japanese truck- not that a Japanese truck is bad or anything - but yeah...) who play the 360 and dont even give respect to us (i can respect those men who like the 360 and respect Sony and what it has brought to the table but dont get me started on these young buck X-Bots) 

No, our culture isn't patient enough. We all have lives beyond this Hobby - so while I get my PSP fixed (after my PS2 got fixed, It has lasted...and lasted...and lasted....and lasted and lasted (4 good years) Ill try and live my life (and find some money to so I can pay Sony for the great machine they make realizing that it just human nature for things made by humans to decay once in a while) and post some of these memories of the great games and concepts Sony (and not Ninty - nor - Microsoft) brought to the table.

But boy, after this shitty weekend I have - im better off having the patience of Job...