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Playing Starcraft 2

So, my girlfriend hooked me up with a link a couple days ago to an event for Starcraft: The Board Game. At said event, all players had to do was play the game and they were awarded with a SC2 Beta Key. 
I was completely pumped. 5 bucks to go somewhere and play a game, all to get a beta key for Starcraft 2? Count me in.  
So far, the game is totally sweet. Graphically better than SC1 by a landslide, but the biggest stuff to the game is a ton of UI changes that make me happy when I use them wisely. I'm still learning hot keys and strategies, but thus far, I'm having a good time. Even when I am losing. 
I plan to play more and more and more yet, but for initial thoughts. Yes, I can't wait for SC2 to come out and be able to play it for real. 