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Thanks for the insight! I wasn't aware of the port overs of PS1 games and such. The PS4 is my very first Playstation product so I missed out on anything before this. Knowing that there's more options than what I was looking at makes it more tempting for me. And thank you for the advice on the memory cards. About how big is the average download? Obviously depends on the game, but I was just curious as to how big of a memory card I should look into. I prefer the digital downloads.

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Hey everyone!

I love handheld gaming, but the 3DS has gotten to the point where there isn't much out that interests me at the moment (with, really, not a whole lot that's for me in sight). I was looking into the Vita, but I've never had a Sony handheld product. I've been doing some research, but I wanted to hear opinions from other people, and I don't have any friends who are really into handheld gaming. I compiled a list of about ten games that I'm actively interested in, so I definitely have something I would want to play(Tearaway, Grim Fandango, Road Not Taken to name a few). The question is, is the $199 worth the investment? I have to actively save up because I live pretty close to paycheck-to-paycheck.

Thanks for your input!