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Its Tuessssdayyyy...

I never met Ryan Davis, but today feels like I lost a close friend. It feels weird being so sadden by the loss of someone I never spoke to directly, but that shows the charisma and the personality that Ryan put into Giant Bomb and the way he talked to the audience. Ryan knew how to host and casually flow with a conversation that makes the Bombcast great. His laugh always stood out in the podcast, because he was always excited and laughing about life.

Giantbomb changed the way I approach news and video game journalism. The E3 and GDC podcast showed the people behind the video games creating a deep sense of appreciation for the people behind the craft, even if they weren’t games I wanted to play. Ryan sat at the forefront of those interviews and long podcast with the largest grin on his face. Giantbomb is the reason I majored in Public Relations and feel comfortable with what I’m working for in hopes to work with these people one day. Ryan Davis taught me that its okay to enjoy dumb shit and not everything had to be serious or smart to be entertaining. Ryan laughed at life and taught everyone that being alive is kind a funny thing and that its okay to be silly. He isn’t a man I strive to be like, but I sure hope I work for a boss as cheerful and silly as him.

I’m holding back tears now as I write this, knowing that we will no longer see him in anymore videos. It saddens me that I will never be able to meet him at a PAX , but its okay for the way he treated fans and talked publicly, I feel like I knew the man as much as everyone else. I regret not finding out about Giantbomb sooner and wish I kept up with their careers at Gamespot, but I’m glad to be a subscriber now. I’m proud of the Giantbomb community and proud to be part of it. Everyone in the community hopefully can take that cheerfulness and silly look at life. From me and I’m sure everyone of the community,

Fuck Thanks Ryan Davis.

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