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  • oneupthextraman wrote a review of Environmental Station Alpha.
    A frustrating experience because they designed it to be frustrating

    I rather like it when metroidvania games tell me where to go, and it is up to me to figure out how to get there. This game does that. But there was one part I got stuck on, and died maybe a half doze...

  • oneupthextraman posted a message on the post Will Smith's Top 11 Games of 2020.

    I am intrigued by that stellaris idea. I bounced off of it a bit when I was having trouble getting my empire thing to expand. But as an RPG....interesting. I often found my self not having enough ene...

  • oneupthextraman wrote a review of XCOM 2.
    Why adjust the difficulty slowly when you can just crank it up to 15

    It feels like they cranked the difficulty up to 15. I only completed the first few missions, and I always lost at least one member of my team. Sometimes two. And I am not running around like rambo try...

  • oneupthextraman posted a message on the post What a mess..

    True. Very true.

  • oneupthextraman wrote a review of Outlast 2.
    Not as good as the origional.

    The first one was better. I dislike the game taking place mostly outside, and is parts where I can't tell what is where. I think the first game benefited from being inside, in that you could have thi...

  • oneupthextraman wrote a review of Freedom Planet.
    Its what Sonic 4 wanted to be

    Its a sonic clone. Is that a bad thing? No. I rather like sonic. I grew up on sonic. And I very much enjoyed playing this game. I remember some of the bosses were annoying, but I got over them, and I...

  • oneupthextraman wrote a review of The Darkness II.
    Its not bad or anything, just not my jam.

    I can't completly explain why I don't recommend this game. It just wasn't that fun. I played it for 5.1 hours, accoridng to steam, and I wasn't that fun. It wasn't a bad game, don't get me wrong. But...

  • oneupthextraman wrote a review of Axiom Verge.
    It seems like a good metroidvania, but apparently I suck at those...

    I find my self torn. I had to use a walk through for this game, because apparently I am horrible at finding my way around. But, I enjoyed the combat, and the bosses, and the world it built. If you lik...

  • oneupthextraman wrote a review of Alien: Isolation.
    It was rather good, but I did not finish it.

    It has been a while since I played this game, so I don't remember all of it. But, I do remember liking it, and having to turn the difficulty settings down, and not finishing it, as I became frustrate...

  • oneupthextraman wrote a review of The Evil Within 2.
    If he says 'what the....' one more time......

    Look, don't get me wrong. It is not a bad game. It is far from one of those games that you should avoid. But, I can't universally recommend this game, which is what this review system is for, I guess ...

  • oneupthextraman wrote a review of The Evil Within.
    It was ok (from what I remember in 2017)

    I stole this review from my steam review I wrote in 2017. But to add, it is an ok game. Not amazing, but ok. If it is on sale, it is worth a look. But, not at full price. It feels like somebody read...