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My Very Very Late Top 10 of 2011

I'm gonna do this list a little weird so hold on to your butts.

List items

  • I feel like I'm the only person who put Outland as their #1 game, but I absolutely love this game. People always call Symphony of the Night the best Metroidvania game ever, but I enjoyed Outland more. It felt as smooth as an Assassin's Creed game, had pretty deep 2D combat that felt really rewarding, and even some Ikaruga elements. Not to mention it was co-op, so you can share the fun with another person. Really the only fault of this game is that the co-op is only online, but with so few games supporting split screen co-op, that's not really a fault, more of a wish. I watched the Quick Look of this game and thought it might be fun, but I didn't expect it to be one of the best 2D games I've ever played. Everyone should play Outland, it's only $10, go get it, right now, stop reading, go buy it!

  • So at first, I had both MvC3 games on my top ten, then I thought that was really stupid so I went with the one that I had more fun playing. That turned out to be really easy, because only one of them has Nemesis. Considering Resident Evil 3 one of my favorite PS1 games, I jumped at the opportunity to dominate as him. That and they nerfed Phoenix, so that's pretty cool. Fun fact: This was the only game I went to for a midnight release, when I went into Gamestop, they asked me if I was there for Assassin's Creed Revelations, then I looked at them like the dummies they were. WHAT DUMMIES!

  • Shadows of the Damned is a goddamn funny game. People were talking about how funny Portal 2 is, and it is, but it was no where near as funny as Shadows of the Damned. Not to mention it wasn't a shabby shooter either, it felt like the best shooter I played that year and Gears 3 felt pretty good. Everyone who reads this should copy and paste this into their URL bar:

  • I've never played Minecraft, people who have played both Minecraft and Terraria tell me Minecraft is better, however, those people are also crazy. I may not have known what the hell to do in the first few hours (Or still right now actually), but it's been fun stumbling my way around. Not to mention there's a Link To The Past-esque dark world after you beat the game with more bosses and items to craft, plus unicorns. Terraria is the best unicorn murder simulator of 2011.

  • So I think this game's pretty good overall, but that's not really why it made the list. The Love is Over Edition might be my favorite special edition of a game ever. Not only did it come with a pretty snazzy pair of boxers, and shirt that looks pretty great on my ladyfriend, but also a pillowcase that also ended up hers. The best part however is the pizza box, why? Because it's a pizza box from a video game, and I find that hilariously awesome. If you're able to only order the pizza box, it'll be money well spent. To me anyway...

  • I really liked Gears 2 and thought there was only two really bad problems about it, the animations were stiff most of the time and the host always had a ridiculous advantage online. Gears 3 fixed that, so again, it was pretty good!

  • Hey it's more Portal and that's always pretty great. I haven't finished co-op still, but the puzzles were always super satisfying to figure out, except for that whole part where you fall a great distance. Yeah, that kind of sucked but the rest of the game was so good!

  • It was between this and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, except I wasn't bored out of my mind by the end of Dead Space 2. The part where you go to THAT ONE PLACE and nothing attacks you for a long time was one of my favorite moments of the year. I even went and hooked up my Turtle Beach headset to the TV JUST to be able to jump more when the necromorphs would come through the vent. It's not as scary as I'd like, but it was really fun and the nod to the end of the previous game at the end was absolutely amazing.

  • I really didn't like New Super Mario Bros. for the DS, so I headed into this game with hesitation. Luckily, this game's pretty good ya'll! If you breeze through the game not collecting any of the Shiny Stars it'll be over before you know it, but when you try collecting them all they add a nice puzzle element to already satisfying platforming that you've come to expect from a Mario game.

  • Here's a thing you may not know about me and my game tastes, if I can start thinking about games in fighting game terms like cancelling moves into other moves, I'll like them more than I would otherwise. That, the music, the narrator and the story beats of Bastion were the only real reasons I liked the game, but they were so good they outweighed what I thought was pretty standard gameplay.