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I couldn't find how to do this. I linked my twitter account from awhile back, which i like never use, and hate logging into my accounts with all the under scores.

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#2  Edited By P_R_0_G_Z

Man, I never comment on this, but damn the Socom days on the ps2. I used to play Socom 1 all day long. Frostfire, that was the level to play 24/7 online. This makes me really sad, I mean Socom 4 sucked, it wasnt like its old games, but I have a feeling this was enforced by Sony, cause MAG was more like what Zipper always made. Its just sad, they made amazing games. Games were I would have friends over and we would smoke all day long and play Socom online. That was the thing to do when there was nothing to do. One of my favorite series. How sad... seriously. I never thought this would actually happen to Socom. Terrible! I do still play MAG till this day.

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#3  Edited By P_R_0_G_Z

@Tarsier said:

@P_R_0_G_Z said:

I think this is possibility the worst move he did. Its obvious he wants to make other games. But Minecraft isn't like other games. Its a big hit, many people would die to make a game as successful as Minecraft. Many people till this day keep making new mods everyday. On top of this, the game was finally released a couple weeks ago. C'mon, how can anyone call this game complete? I seriously think there are so many other things Notch can do with Minecraft. Its what made him the person he is now, the stuff he has now. I honestly think this game barely has that much to do. Most people seem to always be building things to keep them busy. I think the achievement system is just horrible. I mean, there have been some seriously amazing mods out there, that should of been added into the game. I just think its seriously going to be the worst move he ever did. Did you guys see "Scrolls", yeah, he will go broke after releasing that game. I honestly don't know what Notch is thinking, what makes him think that this card game will sell more then other card games? I highly doubt half of the Minecraft players will even buy this game. Then again, its totally different from their first game, like Notch said several times.

But still, we all know, no matter all the love this game MIGHT get, its not going to work out. On top of this, hes just grinding money away to make this game. I hate to bring other games into this conversion, but Terreria is a "complete" game. Minecraft is like 20% of what Terreria has. Now, I know they are totally different games, but they have the same main concept "build, kill things, get better". I can be safe by saying thats the main concept of the two games. The horrible part is Notch releases content very slowly, sometimes it blows me away how Minecraft is still TOTALLY ALIVE when many other games can have content coming out on the weekly and no one will play it.

I just think hes also shitting on Minecraft lately too, like the ideas that he comes up with are starting to be shit. The mod community is even making better gameplay additions. I mean, he introduced two different worlds, in reality, they are pretty huge but theres barely that much to do different within them. You proably never really need to go in them, in survival. I just think them adding the "dragons area" was a total dumb ass idea. Yeah its cool, finally a Minecraft boss(This game is complete, and only has one boss. Don't forget, this game lives off of mods and the community plus online. The only REAL mob they have to kill is a "dragon".) Shit, the dude is just a waste (I mean, I didn't think so at one point, but now I'm starting to think hes a dumb ass). Like seriously the dude can't make ideas by himself if his life depended on it. Shit, even Minecraft wasn't his idea.

But trolling on Notch isn't why I'm posting this. When Minecraft came out, I thought, WOW this is amazing. Its only gonna be minutes till EA comes out with their version. Till this day I'm surprised no big company never made a knock off version. I think this dude's fame is gunna start falling into parts, very soon. This card game, I honestly predict it not doing so well when its finally release. There have been so many card games in the past, and its obvious how they turn out. I mean, if Notch also decided to add "Pokemon" in the card game, then I would totally see where hes going with it. But I just dont understand where he sees money, or people wanting this type of game.

I'm not trying to be an asshole to people that love Notch cause I know there are so many of them people. I love Minecraft and keep playing it till this day. (Actually since the new terriera patch came out, I been playing that.)

I think thats is all. This is just my two cents. Seriously, how big is the card community?

i agree with the stuff about notch. the guy has a lot of problems personality wise that have come out in the recent time of him being famous. including the shit storm with the yogscast at minecon (basically he blamed everything going wrong on them, because he needed SOMEONE to blame. when actually it was completely his fault for organizing a shitty show)..

the basic concept of minecraft is something anyone could have come up with. you dont need to be creative at all to do that idea, and whats more, its not even notches idea. he stole it, all he is is a coder who got extremely lucky with a combination of other peoples ideas (dwarf fortress and infiniminer) that made him rich.

he has never been the person to make minecraft what it truly deserves to be. it could be one of the ultimate greatest games in the history of the world but since notch is such an autistic doofus that will probably never happen, if he has anything to say about it. in the perfect world he would stop having anything to do with the game, not oversee it at all, and let people who are actual creative artists see the game to completion (including more than 2 people, so that it could be done in decent time).. notch has been treating it like a pissant indie game and its not that any more. anyways that waht i have to say about that.

Yeah, I dont really understand why he went "a-wall" on them specially on Twitter. That's weird as hell, why doesnt he just talk to them in person instead. If you look at this here: It actually explains some of what happens and Notch just seems like a dumbass. If he did honestly approve the video and then goes nuts on yogacast over it, then the dude is a dumbass. He also said so many times how the dude can't ever stick to one project, thats why he is moving to another obviously.

But I do agree with you, Notch has been still treating Minecraft like a indie game which is dumb as hell. The game is a hit classic, that basically means he should be pumping out content all day long. Not just once a month. On top of this, I honestly think the community of Minecraft should just merge into the community of Terraria. I have no idea who made that game, but the content and just features within the games are 10x better. To be honest, I even downloaded the game illegally at first, but once I actually liked it, I bought it instantly on Steam. I even bought my brother a copy of the game. Plus the new update just came out and added so MANY things! Its amazing.

But yeah, I just wanted to say I agree with a lot of what you said. If you guys are reading this and don't own Terraria (I dont know how you dont, considering it was super cheap on Steam a couple days ago) I totally recommend buying it now.

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#4  Edited By P_R_0_G_Z

I think this is possibility the worst move he did. Its obvious he wants to make other games. But Minecraft isn't like other games. Its a big hit, many people would die to make a game as successful as Minecraft. Many people till this day keep making new mods everyday. On top of this, the game was finally released a couple weeks ago. C'mon, how can anyone call this game complete? I seriously think there are so many other things Notch can do with Minecraft. Its what made him the person he is now, the stuff he has now. I honestly think this game barely has that much to do. Most people seem to always be building things to keep them busy. I think the achievement system is just horrible. I mean, there have been some seriously amazing mods out there, that should of been added into the game. I just think its seriously going to be the worst move he ever did. Did you guys see "Scrolls", yeah, he will go broke after releasing that game. I honestly don't know what Notch is thinking, what makes him think that this card game will sell more then other card games? I highly doubt half of the Minecraft players will even buy this game. Then again, its totally different from their first game, like Notch said several times.

But still, we all know, no matter all the love this game MIGHT get, its not going to work out. On top of this, hes just grinding money away to make this game. I hate to bring other games into this conversion, but Terreria is a "complete" game. Minecraft is like 20% of what Terreria has. Now, I know they are totally different games, but they have the same main concept "build, kill things, get better". I can be safe by saying thats the main concept of the two games. The horrible part is Notch releases content very slowly, sometimes it blows me away how Minecraft is still TOTALLY ALIVE when many other games can have content coming out on the weekly and no one will play it.

I just think hes also shitting on Minecraft lately too, like the ideas that he comes up with are starting to be shit. The mod community is even making better gameplay additions. I mean, he introduced two different worlds, in reality, they are pretty huge but theres barely that much to do different within them. You proably never really need to go in them, in survival. I just think them adding the "dragons area" was a total dumb ass idea. Yeah its cool, finally a Minecraft boss(This game is complete, and only has one boss. Don't forget, this game lives off of mods and the community plus online. The only REAL mob they have to kill is a "dragon".) Shit, the dude is just a waste (I mean, I didn't think so at one point, but now I'm starting to think hes a dumb ass). Like seriously the dude can't make ideas by himself if his life depended on it. Shit, even Minecraft wasn't his idea.

But trolling on Notch isn't why I'm posting this. When Minecraft came out, I thought, WOW this is amazing. Its only gonna be minutes till EA comes out with their version. Till this day I'm surprised no big company never made a knock off version. I think this dude's fame is gunna start falling into parts, very soon. This card game, I honestly predict it not doing so well when its finally release. There have been so many card games in the past, and its obvious how they turn out. I mean, if Notch also decided to add "Pokemon" in the card game, then I would totally see where hes going with it. But I just dont understand where he sees money, or people wanting this type of game.

I'm not trying to be an asshole to people that love Notch cause I know there are so many of them people. I love Minecraft and keep playing it till this day. (Actually since the new terriera patch came out, I been playing that.)

I think thats is all. This is just my two cents. Seriously, how big is the card community?

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#5  Edited By P_R_0_G_Z

I got this game for sure. Looks great so far. I hope all goes well with the PC version though. Otherwise I'm gunna rage shit. But I got my preorder from D2D for like 41bucks? It was 38$ but then they HAD TO add tax!

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#6  Edited By P_R_0_G_Z

Yeah I seen that video deff still looks great to get! The EA blog stated that it will include the flamerthrower! Im pumped to see how that goes in the battlefield!

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#7  Edited By P_R_0_G_Z
@Bouke said:
" @P_R_0_G_Z: How can you tell if someone is a "noob" by the level they are!? I mean if someone is level 4 and you are level 30; it doesn't mean you're better! I just means you spent more time playing the game. And that isn't even totally true because if you score a lot of points you level faster then people that don't; two people of the same level don't have the same skill. "
LOL I meant to put a LOL in that sentence. I didn't mean for someone to take it as serious as you did. Im saying like if I'm level 30 I deff want people to know that I am, and well that I spent a SHITLOAD of time doing it.
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#8  Edited By P_R_0_G_Z

I also wanted to know how good these work out programs are. But I kinda think this game would work the best with Xbox Kincet. But dunno since the PS3 uses the camera also Im sure it will work just as much. Im pretty sure Im going to buy this for my PS3 also. Not sure if it will be when it is released or when I will do it. But I do think 99.99$ is kinda expensive just because of a little extra things you get. But hey! It helps within the game. And yeah I deff think this workout game is more "efficient" then say punchin the air 15 times considering it does legs, arms, upper body, etc.

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#9  Edited By P_R_0_G_Z
@Raymayne:  Why does it matter? Well lets see, it bascially shows that I actually put time in the game, and if your a Level 1 and Im a level 30 (Which in BF:BC2 takes a bit of time to get up to) I WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW WHOSE THE NOOB IN THE GAME.
But, in other words... that sucks.(no news i guess...!)
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#10  Edited By P_R_0_G_Z

When you said Sony would have Battlefield for their system seller (as in, another game to buy for the system)
I thought,.....HMMMM Microsoft would have Call of Duty for their system seller haha (could Micrsoft had all them ads for it and shit)
You got a point dude, this would be fucking awesome. My internet only can upload 450kb/s+! :)

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