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A bad comic about Mario

So, a couple months ago I started what many might call a crazy challenge of drawing one bad comic a day for an entire year: 365 BAD COMICS. This began on July 1, 2012, and will end in June 2013, and I plan to compile them all into a nice book to sell at comic conventions next year. I refer to these as "bad comics" in that the jokes are so bad, they are good. Your mileage may vary, of course. I go for a lot of puns and literal takes on things. Anyways, I just passed the 100 comics mark recently and did one about a certain famous videogame plumber, my first videogame-based comic so far. Here, take a look:

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If you'd like to see more of my comics or follow along in hopes of more bad jokes about videogames, I have both a Tumblr site and a Facebook page for these. Thanks in advance if you liked or took a look! If you hated it, thanks for you.