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Best of 2009

Pantalooney: Best of 2009

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  • This game is mind blowing, when i was a kid, i was a huge fan of batman and this game is everything i wanted in a Batman game since I was a kid.

    It has some great elements from multiple genre of games and there is nothing bad about it, the developper took some chances and it payed of.

  • My dream game, break shit up, i had so much fun running around with my hammer and mines and blowing everything. There was some little flaws but the gameplay was just so much fun.

  • It's Modern Warfare 2, my favourite online game of the year, i will be playing this game for a while.

  • Dude, my blowing ending...The game is great but there was some part where it was a bit too long. I went through this game so quickly.

  • I recently played this game and had such a great time, so much customization and so much weapons...

  • This game was brutal, i've played this game a lot with friends and we had a lot of 'OH SHIT!!!!!' moments.

  • Oh god, i hate this game...but love it, it is really rewarding but it seems it hates me, I also love how they include a new type of online while playing a single player game.

  • It's Halo, i've grown tired of this game serie but this game made me enjoy the serie again.

  • My guilty pleasure, big-asses ramps, swearing, crazy 50 cent combo and Dj Whoo kid. I rented this game as a joke but ended up buying it....

  • Best downloadable game this year, i finished the game in one sitting and it was freaking great.