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Del Toro will Cthulhu the crap out of your Horror Games

Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro is getting ready to share his talents with developer THQ. While the team-up between del Toro and THQ is barely

 I'm looking for John Cena
 I'm looking for John Cena
underway the games that del Toro is planning on making are years away from being playable. The anticipation may be worth the wait as del Toro's creativity shine in making monsters and the worlds they live in engaging. Del Toro's first game to be looking forward will be a horror game with less inclination to the Resident's Evil and hopefuly more Silent Hill(2) and Eternal Darkness. The director does know how to please his audience, "It's truly a strange, geeky mix. It's a Lovecraftian thing. Let's leave it at that." Until then THQ is going to have keep us entertained with Smackdown vs. Raw 2011-13.