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I'm going to be reviewing all the original versions of the games in the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1. Posted my Meta...

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Back In The Gaming Saddle

Over the past few months, I've stepped away from games and just threw myself into my film hobby. I tend to go through phases where I'll dedicate more time to one over the other. So I decided to do the Film365 challenge, purely to make it through my movie backlog, and after six months of watching a new movie every day, I'm really starting to miss playing games.

Don't get me wrong I haven't completely abandoned games in the last six months, but the only game I've been playing is Rainbow Six Seige, usually just a match or two of terrorist hunt. So it's purely my 30 minutes to kill game. I did buy Far Cry 5 and God Of War but have barely spent any time with them, about an hour with Far Cry 5 and about 90 minutes with God Of War.

Now that E3 is just around the corner, I've really started to develop that gaming itch and kind of want to scratch it and by itch, I mean not just playing games but also blogging about them again and being part of a gaming community.

So besides Far Cry 5 and God Of War, what else have I missed in the last 6 months? Is there anything worth checking out, maybe a few indie titles or a triple-A game? Or should I just stick with finishing FC5 and GOW?

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