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@dixavd said:
@toshi0815 said:

@dixavd: Better not talk about about a 10 year old game in too much detail. What the fuck?

Yeah, I mean it's not like lots of people play games, or go back to games they didn't get around to finishing, when a new one comes out. Clearly knowing about a joke that spoils an old game is such an inconvenience. What the fuck?

a full decade seems like enough time to talk about something

Guys, guys, guys, this is supposed to be our happy time! Let's just withhold our little criticisms and be one with our fellow men, like Fox and Funky Student would want.

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I wonder if there are any more videos of Jeff and Vinny playing games from the Persona series.

Yeah, they did one for Persona Q, one for Persona PSP, and one for Persona 3 PSP. I feel like there was something else... eh, probably not.

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Oh my god, I can't believe I'm going to make myself wait a week before watching this.

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I don't think they realize just how much easier Mega Man 2 and 3 were for Alex because he mastered them over the years. For me, they were painful and I hated them at points. Mega Man 2 is my least favorite and I gave up on it in Wiley's Castle.


Not to mention the charge shot is what makes these entries so much fun which Alex barley used.

Really? It's true that I've played MM 2 to death, but it's still hard to imagine that out of all of them its Wily castle could be considered so hard. Maybe a little the last real level (before the boss rush), and its boss can be tough to do in one go without going for the 'blow the walls up first, then die' trick, but that's about it.

The charge shot was a real double-edged sword. It took away from the whole gimmick of the MM series, the idea of using the different weapons you get and how it affects the order you play the levels in, etc. It wasn't so bad in 4, where the other weapons were still useful in many situations, but I think in 5 and 6 the charge shot was too far superior, to the point that you barely had occasion to use anything else even on a lot of the bosses.

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Edited By Pax_Mower

@shinofkod Yeah, you're taking it way too seriously, but I feel ya. I never had much sympathy for the "you're playing it wrong" crowd, but having played these games dozens of times, this one's pretty tough to take. If they take it to Mega Man 9 and 10, it's going to get preeeeetty dicey.

Relax and accept that the skill level just isn't going to be that of a superfan, exactly. They should play how they like, even if it's frustrating for them, but FWIW my criticisms would be:

- Listening to Vinny's "E-tank! E-tank!" Lives are cheap, especially when you still need to get a handle on what you're doing and you're likely to need the tanks later anyway. If he had saved up instead, he could have totally brute-forced it way earlier. Instead, just use some lives trying a bunch of stuff out and seeing what works.

- Being timid on defense. Dodging Ring Man when he's coming at you by charging him early instead of waiting till the last second will mean he's not going to surprise you by stopping short or by occasionally smacking you with an unexpected third ring. Makes it a little tougher to avoid his second ring, but whaddayagonnado. And Alex seemed willing to take practically every hit possible going through those stages.

- Being timid on offense. Wasting lots of opportunities. For example, pretty sure the way they want you to play the final boss was to actually shoot him instead of head-butting him, just need to try a tiny bit to get the timing down. Pro tip: If you head-butt him with the shot over your head, you can still release the charged shot when you let go of the button, getting two shots out for the energy cost of one. Plus no time wasted charging.

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I liked 4 a lot. Great music, decently challenging bosses without being too cheap (it's easier than it looks here, because Alex doesn't dodge anything), fun ending. I like some of the gameplay of 5 and 6, but IMO the overall music quality takes a dive, and that was always a big element of MM for me.

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Edited By Pax_Mower

Love it or hate it, feel like they didn't give SFxT its best shot. They didn't use many of the game's key mechanics. They didn't use cross arts, cross assaults, or even Pandora, which was kind of the theme of the game! The tactical choice of sacrificing a character is pretty cool. Not to mention that they didn't do a lot of the fancy supers, which make for pretty fun finishers. Also, the goofy single-player stuff was great. The silly endings when you played with matched sets of characters...

I had a really good time with it. My biggest knock against it was the DLC madness, which wasn't much of an issue here.

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Edited By Pax_Mower

"Is this based on any real world war?"

<uh oh>

"What's Iran-Contra --"


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Spoiler alert for "Part 01". Kind of nervous about the fact that they're using two digits.

I'll pay good money to see Dan beat Zelda II in one sitting.