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WoW- Third Time Lucky - (Originally) One Through Ten


From the information I have encountered when I was not a World of Warcraft player the amount of time spent on the low levels continues to get shorter. I have been told, in jest, that levels 1 through 20 are only slightly more than an hour long cutscene. I don't believe that the levelling process is quite as short as that but once I had the hang of the general working of the game I managed to take a Tauren Druid from starting to 19 within 5 days at a leisurely pace though it took more like a week and a half for my original character since there was still an element of blind stumbling (though that has its joys).

As I tend to do with all of the RPG's I play I created a character on the Alliance (which in my mind translated as "good" though it dosent seem quite so simple now that I am in the world) side as a Human Warrior. The initial luster of playing a new game lasted about an hour and I was quickly bored by the entire concept of what I was doing. Initially, the only thing I had to do was click an enemy then hit '2' (Heroic Strike which is a Power Attack) when it was available. I was told to kill various things but I have no memory of what particularly, when I had finished killing whatever I had finished killing I was told to kill some more things which I lazily dispatched. This point in the game was the lowest point that I have experience so far because it was just so empty, souless and I felt so disconnected. Had it not been for the fact I was playing with a friend, though unpartied since we were on trial accounts at this period, I would have most likely given up at this point or shortly after. Soon I was directed towards a warrior trainer who allowed me to purchase, thanks for that trainer, 'Battle Shout' which was a damage buff which though very useful at the stage I am now (and I would assume later) it did little to change the monotony of the combat and general experience I was having.

To cut this section of the blog down I will simply summarise the general experience that I had until around level 10. I continued to kill whatever creatures the quest given had a problem with, though I never asked why he had a problem I simply took his money for the murder, and every now and then I collected a quest with a little bit of interest. One such quest, which I cannot name off the top of my head though some WoW veterans might, involved being the conduit for the love of children of rival farmsteads. This quest did not involve a great deal but it gave a little more personality to the world I was trying to inhabit compared to simply seeing it, as I had previously, as a place with things that needed killing. I also a had some, more, negative experiences at this level such as getting a hold of quests when I was too low level to complete in a non-frustrating fashion. A specific example I can think of involves being asked to kill a number of murloc's (I believe perhaps for their scales or some other such lootable item). Though I was able to, barely, take on a single murloc they had a tendancy to situate themselves in clumps and quickly call for close-by back up which rendered this quest almost impossible alone and incredibly frustrated even with a friend to help me. Again, at this point it all felt a little pointless and was sapping any fun I was having with the gameplay or connection to the world but due to my promise to play with my friends and the interest I had in later content I had seen I continued to play.

Essentially the vast majority of my experience below level 10 felt completely dull, pointless and completely off-putting. To put it in simpler terms, it was not much fun.

Once I had reached around level 10 things began to change for the better and the fun began to arrive.