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How vital is multiplayer? (in shooters)

With the recent announcement of Dead Space 2 to feature multiplayer, I have been wondering about different shooters and how important multiplayer is in each one. Sure you have the games that really benefit from the multiplayer like Halo and Call of Duty, but then there are those games whose multiplayer doesn't seem as necessary, like BioShock 2. Don't get me wrong, BioShock 2's multipayer is functional, and can be entertaining at times, but it seems kind of like an afterthought when you compare it to the game's campaign. It just doesn't have that same level of polish that I desire when I pick up a multiplayer game. 
My theory is that the importance of a game's multiplayer really depends upon the person playing it. There are those people who buy games like Halo Reach or Call of Duty, without even touching the single player. It's the one game that they play and get really good at. They rely on the game's multiplayer to have a fun and varied gaming experience that they can enjoy for a good long time. Of course there are those of us who don't even touch a game's multiplayer, and instead focus on the game's campaign, preferring AI to actual people. 
What does the community think? Should multiplayer be a requirement for most shooters? Or, should "atmospheric" games like BioShock 2 and Dead Space 2 have a more extensive single player experience?