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Games are only understood by gamers?(Fat princess now targeted)

First off I would like to thank GoranP's blog for bringing this to my attention. Ok so this girl on is complaining about demeaning women in the upcoming game "Fat Princess".

 "Does it offend me more as a feminist or as a fat activist? I can't decide."

Ok so I guess this is just another person to add to the "Just doesnt Get it" list of people who try and make their opinons  about video games seem important. Take fox News For example embded below is an interview done about Mass Effect and its sex scenes. Fox News brought in an "expert" as well as a video game correspondant who generally seemed to know whats up. The thing that really caught my attention in the interview is when things begin to get heated and the Video Game Correspondant asks the "expert" if shes even ever actually played the game and she respondes with a very snooty "NO!". Why does it seem people who dont play video games just cant understand them. I mean, I dont watch many movies, but i can appriciate artistic view and such. It seems people like this always are around to blow SOMETHING out of preportion. Does anyone else have any stories like this? Please comment with maybe even video links, i always like reading or watching these kind of things.