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#1  Edited By PhantomMartyr

Let's talk about those games that amazed you so much, they blew your mind.

That game for me was Super Mario 64. I remember being so excited to play it. I was 14 at the time, and was used to 2D games, so the rare 3D game I played, like Star Fox, was an awesome experience for me. But this game raised the bar in every imaginable way. Seriously, this game was groundbreaking. The graphics were phenomenal. The freedom to explore, to go anywhere I wanted, was unmatched. The level design, gameplay, the boss fights, the music, everything about this game was perfect. Still is, if you ask me. I was convinced that this was the future of gaming. A few back then what the future actually held, I would have been the world's most cynical 14 year old. This is still my favorite game of all time, and one that made my jaw drop.

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