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Fat Princess(AKA, "Feminists" get a life)

It seems that the "feminists" have struck again, everyones favorite hypocrites have been standing in a line as long as the great wall of china for a chance to swing their stick at Sony's Fat Princess.

This makes me so angry that my blood boils.

first of all. its a video game, enough said.

Secondly, these are the same people that cry for equality and expect men to pay for all their meals. Cry for equality and then cry about the possibility of being in the draft.  This is ridiculous, there are several blogs that have posted about how this game is evil, makes fun of fat people, and most importantly objectifies women. I refuse to link to them so just search around.

i usually can find a lot to say, but this topic gets me so mad that i can barely find anything to say.

to close this short blog post i am just going to say
"Feminists", get a life, your twisted view on the world only exposes how egocentric you are.

Actually, anyone who bags on video games, get a life.