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My week in gaming

Most of my week certainly went into forcing myself through Far Cry 2 until I encountered some game breaking glitch. And since I have only that one busted save game, I don't see myself starting over. Maybe it's for the better, most of the missions are tedious anyway.
The other title I popped back in once in a while was Blazblue, playing through arcade mode, and trying my luck online for a few matches.
The ones I had - even the majority I lost were fun, but when I get the occasional rage-quitter, it drives me up the wall. No one cares for your >90% wins. You just invested time into fighting me and should just do the right thing and stick in the match until the end, so we both can get the one match and points for it. I have enough trouble finding a match online as is, so getting a 100 or 200 is pretty tough.
On the weekend I then bought After Burner Climax from XBLA, pretty easy to get all the Achievements, so there's my second S-Rank (-which I thought would be Wanted: WoF, but christ, grinding all the collectibles is a chore). I also unlocked the Avatar shirt but I dont like it very much. Glad though someone is doing something with the awards feature.