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Best of 2011

After thinking about it for a bit, I've decided that I am going to make my game of the year list for last year NOW. As for if or when I'll ever finish the list, we may never know. So here is my meek attempt at another game of the year list and hope that who ever reads it enjoys it!

P.S. I'll be updating it from time to time as I try and find some spare time to actually write my reasons.

As of now: Added my top ten games in no particular order.

Games are now in order from favorite to...most favorite of the year?

Added descriptions to number 9 and 10.

And I continue to struggle and finish this list. 8 and 7 are done.

Now that the end of 2012 is coming up, I've decided to finish this list up so that I can move on and procrastinate for the next 2012 list. So expect this list to be done real soon now (but not really).

Done! Sorry for the lazy writing for the last few, because both the save didn't work and this has been dragging on long enough.

List items

  • WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN WITH THIS GAME!!! It has been a while where a game has impressed and wowed me to the point of insanity. The sheer craziness and bombastic silliness, I couldn't help but play the game with a grin on my face. All I can say is: you NEED to play this game.

  • Batman: Arkham City is number two on my list, because damn playing as Batman has never felt so good. (Sorry, again the list didn't save properly and I lost my previous paragraph.)

  • It's rough going into the sequel of one of the most highly regarded games, because the expectations are already set ridiculously high for the sequel. And like it was nothing, Valve was able to create another game that was able to almost meet the same caliber as the first game. The story in the game is great thanks to the sharp and witty humor and the fantastic introduction of Wheatley. The puzzles are the perfect difficulty that are hard enough that once you solve it, you feel like an idiot. Though it felt a little bit too similar the second time around, I wouldn't say that I didn't enjoy my second trip through Aperature Science.

  • Well, I had typed up a good paragraph that summed up why I liked this game enough for it to be number four, but it didn't seem to save correctly. So I'll just say this, I like stealth and I like emails.

  • Edmund has delivered yet again with another game that continues to suck me in and wanting me to play more and more. The rogue-like elements only make it worse for me as it makes each playthrough different. The bosses are challenging and the various amounts of items you can find in the game are worth seeing that you want to "catch them all" so to speak. I have sank hours upon hours into the game, and for only $5, I could not have been more impressed.

  • I like dead spaece too because monsterz are scary and u shoot thingz dat try to kill uuuuuu. And itz the second one. Really, what else is there to say? And I have to give credit for the return back to a familiar site.

  • Mortal Kombat was also one of those games that were missing from my childhood. With no arcades near me, and no home consoles to play it on, I was totally oblivious to all the bloody glory that is Mortal Kombat. And now that they have gone back to their old roots of 2D, I can not believe all the things I've been missing. The combat is nothing but satisfying as you pull off all your kombos, and the fatality's are as brutal as ever. And that single player, man that single player, not only was the story crazy and fun to watch, but how they present everything with those seamless transitions between each fight and cutscene. I can't remember having that much fun with the single player portion of a fighting game, ever. I can't wait to see what Ed Boon and his team has next.

  • Before Giant Bomb, I literally did not know nor hear of Jack. But after watching the quick look, I knew I had to change that fact. You Don't Know Jack has been a blast , and the smartly written jokes and questions only add to the experience. The jokes never stop, and with my group friends, we couldn't stop playing episode after episode. It's good to finally know Jack and see what all the fuss was about.

  • The first new game of 2011 that I played, and WOW did Shu Takumi deliver. One of the few refreshingly different games that I have played in a while, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a game that I felt was under appreciated this year. With a lively cast of characters, each with their own unique style and personality thanks to the guy who brought you Pheonix Wright, and a thrilling mystery and story to back it up, I could not stop playing this once I picked it up. Now that this game is out on the iOS for a low low price of ten dollars, please go pick this game up. It's number nine on my list for gosh sakes.

  • Let's start this list off right with...Pokemon? Yes, I know, it's still the same Pokemon game from before, and maybe I am doing this for nostalgic reasons, but at the end of the day, I love Pokemon. This game had rekindled my love for Pokemon and in the short span of a month or two, I had already sunk another 100 hours into Pokemon. Sure some of the Pokemon were dumb, but the pros still had outweighed the cons for me. I do realize that the Pokemon games are getting stale with each iteration of the game, so that is why it will have to just enjoy spot number ten on my list, which should still be an honor.