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After playing for a few days, my thoughs

I love the hell out of Trials and wanted to get my thoughts out on Fusion compared to HD and Evolution. These are going to be kind-of disorganized:

Before I list everything I don't like, I'll say that I really like the game and I'm already in for the season pass.

I could do without the trick system and the trick scoring tracks. I gave it a fair shot, and I'll probably try it again some more, but I just don't like the trick gameplay compared to the core trials challenges. I think the way the trick system works is cool (somewhat physics based with the stick basically directly controlling the rider's body), but I'd rather just play regular-ass trials tracks.

I felt like the number of tracks in the game was lacking compared to the previous games, so I went ahead and counted. The following numbers only count the tracks in the base game, no DLC:


This also doesn't count any of the Skill Games (previous games had more), or trick tracks (previous games had none). I think it felt light only because Evolution had a toooon of tracks.

The difficulty is still there. I like to gold medal all Hard tracks, and I'm happy if I can even pass all the Extreme tracks, and so far Fusion feels right in-line. I still have the final 2 Expert tracks to beat.

I think it's pretty cool that each track has the 3 unique challenges.

It feels like they've streamlined the number of bikes; you have 3 regular ones (the 'easy' one, 'medium' one, and 'pro' one), trick bike, quad, and gimmick bicycle, and I'm totally ok with this.

The opening menu song isn't dogshit like before.

Just an observation: I think the platinum medal times are all over the place. I got 3 or 4 on my first run through a track (they auto popped in when the platinum medals unlocked), and others I feel like I'm a mile away from.

I'm pretty pleased with the game and will be continuing to play it for a good while, improving my overall rankings and trying to finish the final 2 Expert tracks. I hope the DLC packs feel beefy enough.