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#1  Edited By PlayerHater117
@Falcon5008: me it seems pretty apparent that the game will probably go like this.... 
1. Desmond and his Ass. buddies (<...abbreviation gone horribly wrong...) arrive at that cabin "up north" that Lucy talks about. 
2. They immediately start using the animus, going through the memories of Desmond's ancestors to find the remaining Vaults and/or peices of Eden. 
3. Either between the discovery of the vaults, or after ALL of them have been found, I believe Desmond will go out into the modern world to go treasure hunting (Going to the Vaults, and Peices of Eden) and will probably try to keep them out of the hands of the doubt kicking some ass in the process too.  
4. Assassination of modern Templars? (ie; OBAMA!!! he would still be president in 2012...but I doubt they'd include him in the game. And they DEFINITELY won't KILL him if they do.)  It would be fucking sweet to play Desmond infiltrating Abstergo (Splinter Cell style) to kill some Templars. 
Now people are going to argue about which timelines and locations Desmond will be re-visiting through the animus... 
Some will say fuedal Japan, WWI, WWII, Revolutionary War, Civil War, Napoleonic wars, or ancient Egypt. 
What do I say to this? 
Why not all of them? All the Vaults and Peices of Eden are scattered across the world....wouldn't that mean he'd have to visit ancestors that were in different locations, if he were to find them? And there's probably no way that he could have ancestors scattered across the world at the same time, so we're probably looking at RADICALLY different times too.