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#1  Edited By prinny_god

because I like Sony 

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#3  Edited By prinny_god
The ending of Valkyria Chronicles is fucking beauitful
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#4  Edited By prinny_god

basically never unfortunately
even jeff said on the podcast that we are at the point where people can do a better job on the PS3 version but they don't want/need to

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#5  Edited By prinny_god

only one fallout 3
but I am only like 2 trophies away from prince of persia, dead space, mirrors edge, LBP, Buzz tv, alone in the dark, and battle filed bad company

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#6  Edited By prinny_god

well no one believes in ghosts to they have an experience

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#7  Edited By prinny_god
hush404 said:
"prinny_god said:
"hush404 said:
"Qorious said:
"Well Trophies are something that is weighted, so gold is worth more in terms of percentage than a bronze. It does annoy me though since I just want to check how much in percent I got to give me an estimate of what I got. Hopefully Sony will revise it to make it more of how many instead of how much each Trophy is wroth. "
Yep. If you had all bronze and silver in a game and missing just 2 gold and then the silver, your percentage isn't going to be near 90%. "
yeah I know I was just saying I wish it gave a more accurate percentage 49 out of 51 should be a lot higher than 66%33 out if 51 is more like 66%"
Yeah I understand. If the system went on the rules of amount of trophies as opposed to the value given to each trophy then that's what you'd get. However, it is the way it is. "
well my whole point to this thread is I think that its not the best system
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#8  Edited By prinny_god
hush404 said:
"switchit said:
"LittleBigPlanet. And i was planning to get platinum in Prince of Persia, but realized that i was about to ruin the experience. I stopped pursuing the platinum trophy since then."
That brings up a good point. Do trophies ruin games some times? I love the idea of getting rewards for playing differently or being a completest... but at the same time I find I'm so busy with the tasks set forth by the trophies that I rarely have time to enjoy the experience. A while ago I've decided to just play games for the experience, collecting trophies during another play through so I can have the awesome experience intended and then go about hunting down the trophies. "
it depends on the game prince of persia not so much but trophies saved RE5
there's one for maxing out all the weapons in the game which is making me play the game a whole lot more than I would if it didn't have them
and I'm enjoying the game alot with trophies because without them RE5 would be ok I beat it it's done with trophies its like ok you beat it now go do this and this and that
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#9  Edited By prinny_god

what games are you looking for?

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#10  Edited By prinny_god
hush404 said:
"Qorious said:
"Well Trophies are something that is weighted, so gold is worth more in terms of percentage than a bronze. It does annoy me though since I just want to check how much in percent I got to give me an estimate of what I got. Hopefully Sony will revise it to make it more of how many instead of how much each Trophy is wroth. "
Yep. If you had all bronze and silver in a game and missing just 2 gold and then the silver, your percentage isn't going to be near 90%. "
yeah I know I was just saying I wish it gave a more accurate percentage 49 out of 51 should be a lot higher than 66%
33 out if 51 is more like 66%