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Snap Judgement Time: PS3 Edition

This week, Best Buy is running a "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" promotion for PS3 Greatest Hits. Considering the only time I really visit brick-and-mortar stores is during sales, I figure this was right up my alley. Leaving the house armed with $20 in gift certificates, I was ready to buy inFamous, Demon's Souls, and Modnation Racers. Much to my chagrin, Modnation Racers was sold out. Considering it was on backorder on Best Buy's website and I'm wholly impatient, I looked around and decided on UFC 2010. I'm not much of an MMA/Wresting guy, but it seemed like it might be fun. Without further ado, here are my uninformative, uninformed snap judgements: 
UFC Undisputed 2010: Remember how I said I wasn't much of an MMA guy? Well... This is not going to be the game to change my mind. I'll admit, I know literally nothing about the sport, so I was at a disadvantage, but it would be reasonable to assume the tutorial for the game would set me up for some semblance of success. This was not the case. I won my first fight by tapping x, triangle, circle, and square randomly while intermittently holding down L1 or L2, and after that I had my fill. I probably spent a half hour with the game and I really didn't enjoy any of it. When buying the game, I thought that below the tough guy exterior would be a game that I could find fun, but it unfortunately does not look that way. I'll definitely give this game another shot and try to enjoy it, but I'm unsure of how successful I will be. 
Demon's Souls: I bought Demon's Souls because I really want to like the game. I played about fifteen minutes of it a couple weeks ago and couldn't get into it, but I so badly wanted to. So now I own it. Will I play it? Probably, eventually. Will I finish it? Possibly, someday. Should I have bothered to include it here? No, not really. Moving on. 
inFamous: Wow. I've only put about an hour into inFamous, but what a game. As of right now I only have two powers, Lightning Bolt and Shockwave, but if the beginning of the game is indicative to how fun the rest of the game will be and how powerful it can make you feel, then we're off to a good start. From climbing to the top of large buildings only to jump off immediately to shooting mutated drug addicts in the head with lightning bolts, this game has me hooked. The story is like that of a comic book's, it's hard to take serious because of how unbelievable the circumstances are, but at the same time it's hard to care because it is genuinely interesting. 
That's all for this first installment of snap judgements. I'm off to ignore UFC 2010, hide from Demon's Souls, and play the hell out of inFamous.