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#1  Edited By Qodot

Police Sketch Jeff is from a thread where people were asked to draw the crew. Let me try and dig it up... 
The picture is posted near the end of page 2. It actually only generated a little bit of buzz, with interest quickly dying down - it wasn't mentioned at all by page 4. Noobeffect captioned it with "DID THE RAPIST LOOK LIKE THIS, MA'AM?" on page 5 and the thread quickly spiraled into madness. BiffMcBlumpkin putting the face on lists of terrorists, milk cartons, and the infamous "RAPIST SEARCH" photo started the tradition of putting it in other pictures, making it a solid meme, and cemented its position in the halls of GiantBomb history.
I, for one, would like to know the origins of the dragon-having-sex-with-a-car picture, and also that Jeff/Ryan fanfic (possibly involving cannibalism?) that I've only ever heard oblique references to. People seem too terrified to do anything more than mention them in passing. 
Oh, and the YOU CAN'T BEAT 100 PERCENT picture. I've looked into that a little bit (it seems like it originated on Gamespot before GB was born) but I haven't found anything. Probably from a Gamespot podcast or something.

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#2  Edited By Qodot

I'm way behind the times - sadly, I don't own a single current-generation console. I recently got Persona 4 on the PS2 after watching the Endurance Run. I'm almost finished but I find the dungeons kind of tedious so I haven't played in a while, even though I was planning to finish and finish a full-social-link New Game+ over the summer. At some point I'll probably get over that hump and start a new game.
I also recently played Windwaker on the Gamecube and finally finished the Nintendo Gallery after perhaps 7-8 years of owning the game. I went back and replayed Super Mario Sunshine for a bit a few years ago as well.
My most recent game purchase was also a relatively old game, although not on a console - I got Assassin's Creed 2 as a download after seeing it for seven buck or something on Amazon. That's still pretty new compared to Persona 4 or Windwaker though.

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#3  Edited By Qodot

Is there some sort of way to keep rolling updates of the history? I think it would be useful to have a "current revision" or something like that, so people know what's already in the archive. For example, I witnessed the Whiskeypocalypse, but I think people have already submitted information on that, so I don't want to be redundant.
If there was a Wikia or something like that (can you create those for free?), that might be useful for building a history. People could put some barebones information on events, then improve it over time, with better writing and people adding their own memories of specific details and so on (or even writing entire separate "journals," like the blog posts some people wrote about surviving the Whiskeypocalypse, and linking to them from the main page).

The only thing I can think of to contribute right now (that doesn't have a record you can just see for yourself) is inconsequential memes from Whiskeypocalypse like Hardcore Dave's InSnider and DAT SPEAR. Oh, and Patrick Klepek posting news on Google Docs. 
There's some stuff which is useful, like a documentation of the Whiskeypocalypse, since it provides a convenient way to read what happened. But you can just ask anyone, or watch the stream, if you're curious about that. I think a really important use of this is that together the community can assemble a more complete picture of Giantbomb from our collective memories than anyone could alone - including memories that aren't in videos, but in difficult-to-find threads, or even chats that weren't saved. If we don't write that down now, it could just be lost, which is a tragedy as a lot of this stuff is very funny and interesting.
Hmmm. On a related note, maybe we should download the Whiskeypocalypse stuff off and put it up on some hosting site? I don't think it's on Giant Bomb, and it seems that's archive videos are deleted after a while.

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#4  Edited By Qodot
@Zamir: Bastion Power is so good. Monsters appear and The Kid smashes shit up at just the right moments. Did you have to do a lot of editing to get the timing right, or did it just turn out that way?
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#5  Edited By Qodot

I was recently looking at some pages of the Supergiant Games crew, and I noticed that there were some group photos that weren't associated with the whole team - for example, there were a few group photos on Jen Zee's page, but only on that page. I think it would be good if there were some sort of way that instead of adding photos to a gallery, you could add galleries to a photo - i.e. take a photo and tag it Jen Zee, Greg Kasavin, Gavin Simon, Amir Rao, Darren Korb, Supergiant Games, etc. 
Actually, perhaps there's already a rule in place where these types of photos should be associated only with Supergiant Games and not the individual people (though I'm not aware of it). Still, this doesn't really deal with stuff like a photo of Jeff interviewing Ken Levine, and it's kind of odd to have group photos on the page of only one member.

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#6  Edited By Qodot
There have been a few strange things happening when I try to upload images. For example, sometimes when I hit the "Desktop" button to choose where to upload it from, it won't "take" and a window to select the images doesn't show up. It sometimes shows up if I click it a bunch of times, or if I wait a minute or two, though. All of the other buttons work perfectly, just not the Desktop one. 
Also, I uploaded an image, but after it finished uploading, it said "no images were uploaded." I went back and re-uploaded the image; there was the original green upload box still there, at 10%, along with the new one, with some question marks on it. After it finished uploading, the image uploaded successfully and worked fine as far as I can tell.
I'm using Chrome 12.0.742 on Windows 7. This problem occurs whenever I try to upload images, around... 50% of the time, I'd say.
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#7  Edited By Qodot
@CitizenKane said: 

Hold on to that thought. I might be cooking up something similar to what you are talking about.

Just hold on until the weekend.

Yesssss. GET HYPE!
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#8  Edited By Qodot
@ZombiePie said:

@CitizenKane: @Claude: Just think...there are users on this site that don't know or remember the Bomb Shelter, IRC, why events are called Bombing Runs, Bomb Should Have a Face, ItalyCanadian, scat/Power Ranger porn, and BoG.

I'd be interested in learning more about the history of Giant Bomb and all the major events that have happened in its time. Is there some place we can learn about that? It'd be really cool to have some sort of documentation of GB's storied history... though I'm still a young user, I know I'd love to contribute a little on the Whiskeypocalypse for future Bomber generations.
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#9  Edited By Qodot


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#10  Edited By Qodot

When a video game is called "No Pants"... I don't need to play it.