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So I finally did it...

And got an Iphone 3g.  I hadn't bought a new phone in probably about 4 years.  I just never used them that much.  Now i have found myself needing a good reliable one with plenty of functionality.  So far I am loving it.   I have one simple question though.  For those of you with a iphone what apps do you find to be very useful?  I am not asking about games,  I can find reviews of the good ones and they are talked about on a few sites.  What I do want is suggestions for good apps for whatever.  Ya ya i know the GB App is awesome but what else is there?  Thanks all
No real gaming updates for me here.  I am waiting for Batman:AA and possibly Wolfenstein for now.  Those releases seem to be starting the end of summer start of fall releases.  It'll just keep ramping up from here on out.  Unless more get pushed to 2010.  Let's hope no more do.


More New Games backlog getting bigger

So i went to best buy and got 3 DS games it was buy 2 get one free.  So in addition to what i already had.  Here's whats on my current list of things to try to finish.

  • Chrono Trigger(DS)
  • FF Tactics a2(DS)
  • New Super Mario Bros.(DS)
  • Prof. Layton and the Curious VIllage(DS)
  • Zelda: Phantom Hourglass(DS)
  • Eternal Sonata(X360)
  • Star Ocean: Last Hope(X360)
  • Ghostbusters(Wii)
  • Conduit(Wii)
  • Empire:Total War(PC)
Currently I'm working on Ghostbusters and Eternal Sonata.  DS games are longer RPG's and will probably go slow as i only really play them in the BR or in Dr waiting rooms.

So whats your backlog looking like?

Game Reviews, do you read the whole thing?

There are three factors that determine whether or not I will read the full review of a game.   First off it has to be a game that I am seriously considering buying.  If its a maybe I will buy it type game I will read the end and check the score then if that peaks my interest I go back and read the whole review.   Secondly is if there is a video review or not.  I am legally blind so reading can suck at times.  Depending on the quality and content of the video review I may or may not go and read the whole review.  Alot of the time the video review is good enough many times it is not enough to sway my decision.  The third and last factor in my decision to read an entire review or not comes down to who is reviewing that particular game.  Like most of us on the internet for games I am interested in I will read or at least attempt to read multiple reviews.  I always check who reviewed the game before i read or watch the review.  I have definately found people whom i prefer to read or watch their reviews.  If a review is by someone who i generally don't like their reviews i will go find one of the other reviews and hope someone whom I enjoy their work has done one. 

So, do you read the whole review and why or why not?


Long time update on ankle and games

So i got Ghostbusters and The Conduit on Wii.  I also got Halo Wars on 360 and FF Tactics a2 on DS.  Right now im working on Halo Wars and FFT a2 and having lots of fun with both.  I also set up netflix streaming on the 360 and i really like the service.  Easy to use and super convenient.  As for my ankle.  Well i probably wont have to have any metal put into the ankle to stabilize it but i do have to waer the metal thing in my image section for probably 6 to 8 more weeks while we let the bones heal and then wear a more traditional cast for some time after that.  At least everything is healing good though, so i can't complain too much.  Well thats the quick update on my gaming and broken ankle for now.  Hopefully ill be posting up more soon.


E3 :(

Trying to catch up on all the news as i just got home from another 5 day trip to the hospital.   This broken ankle sucks.  Well ill be busy reading and watching videos for the nest few days.   So far looks like a good E3 but with few surprises.


Surgery's and broken ankle E3 hopes

So awesome I ended up breaking my ankle about as bad as you can.  4 surgery's down with another this monday and hopefully only one more after that in about 4 weeks.  I have a damned erector set around my foot.  There are pics in my image gallery.  God this sucks.  It even makes gaming hard since i have to keep it elevated.  So i got  mario kart wii to pass some time here and there and im liking it alot.  I am hoping for lots of good things from E3 this year.  Hopefully we see some good stuff for the wii and x360.  I hope i czn get some good pc titles soon and ds as well.  I have plenty of time on my hands with this ankle thing. 

I will  update again after mondays surgery and then probably again with my impressions of E3 once that kicks off.  Hopefullly theres some good coverage all over the net.  Keep me busy for a bit at home if its as good as i hope this year.



Well I am in Washington Now got my xbox back.  Been playing WoW again with the new patch.  Its actually fun again.  Stilll havent dived into sf iv since i cant nab a fightstick for a decent price.  I do need to get into empire total war as its sitting installed here.  I also want to order halo wars finally.   I am going to have plenty of game time on my hands for a few months coming.  I broke my ankle about as bad as you can break it.  Complete break foot is not under the leg bone.  Surgery tomorrow and hopefully that goes well.
The release calander is pretty thin right now so i hope i can catch up on some games.   Nothing else to say for now.  I will post something when i get home from the surgery, hopefully with good news as to its results.



So i get to washington and my parents had set up the internet etc with comcast already.  The comcast tech apparently is a moron and left our wireless network wide open and didnt say so to either of my parents who are technically literate and would understand what he meant.  So i get down here and find 2 neighbors using our connection.  I was like no wonder the net is running like crap.  Had to fix that asap.  Not a huge deal but i was annoyed that comcast probably does this to everyone.  No wonder wireless networks are all so vulnerable.



Moving this saturday.  Ill have my xbox360 and wii back.  Also i will have a real desk to put my pc on.  Finally picked up L4D, that should be really fun.  Though i did warn my buddies.  Legallly blind friend playing shooter with friendly fire( could be dangerous(hahahah)).  I can finally play SF IV, though with the 360 controller while i hunter down gamepads still(I'm not paying the rediculous premiums to get one so im waiting on madcatz to have them.  Also playing C and C RA3 Uprising and liking it.  I got Empire total war but im waiting till im moved in and can sit comfortably at my desk to put some time into that.  Well just a quick update.  More to come next week when im finally moved in and all set back up.


March Games

Well it's time to go pick up my games to play for the next few week.  What i think i am going to get are the following.  I am trying to stay under a budget so i had to limit it to things i really wanted to play.

Halo Wars:  I love Halo the games the universe all that.  I read all the books etc so even though its reviews are mixed i am getting this.
Street Fighter IV:  I'm old i remember SF II.  Nostalgia and the fact that the game looks very good with excellent reviews and has lots of replay makes it a must.
Empire:  Total War:  I am a PC gamer at heart and games like this just get me excited huge empire building with awesome battles and tons of replay.
World in Conflict: Soviet Assault:  I loved the first.  I love the cold war settings and the what if scenario.  If this can be at least as good as the first ill be getting it.

Man having my consoles back will be nice.  I didn't realize how much i missed them till these last few weeks.  I definately should have figured a way to keep them with me instead of in boxes.  Well i guess i didnt expect it would be this long. 

Also i finished Dawn of War II.  The game was fun and a nice twist on the RTS.  It would have been a perfect RTS for the consoles i think.  The story could have been done better i think.  I just didnt feel any connection with the characters and their plight it ended up sadly towards the end at least just a grind for War Gear.  The good far outweighs the bad though with this game and i havent even touched the multiplayer yet which should be it's strongest feature.

Well that's all for now.
Keep on Gaming.

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