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Games that I never finished

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  • Well to kick off I'm going to put up the most recent offender, Just Cause. For those of you who don't know it's a free roaming action sandbox game inspired heavily by GTA and I genuinely have no reason for not completing it. It wasn't boring and it's not like I didn't enjoy it, it just never got completed. Sorry Eidos!

  • This should also include Driver 2 and the horribly named Driv3r. I owned all three of those games and didn't complete any of them. Was it the bad graphics, the horrible gameplay or just the sheer monotomy of it all, who knows?

  • Now this is a game I'm ashamed to say I never finished. When I first purchased it I was so excited about the prospect of a Star Wars RPG but other games got in the way and it joined the ranks of the unfinished.

  • This is my most disappointing addition to the list. I loved this game and really wanted to finish it, but I was constantly punished by the unforgiving save system and eventually gave up, but one day I will complete it. I promise Frank.

  • I know, don't hurt me elder scrolls fans, I didn't complete Morrowind either! I think I have some sort of problem with RPGs, particularly massively open world ones. I enjoy myself, get sucked into the world, lose sight of the main story then just stop playing. I am a horrible person.