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Wow! This QL was brilliant and exceeding my sky high expectations going in. I was also in stitches at the end. Thanks for dropping in Drew!

I've been playing around with the game since launch and even learned a few new things from watching this. One feature worth mentioning is there is an assist setting for taxing that draws arrows on the ground telling you where to go. Saves you from having to study the airport maps if that isn't your thing. Loving this game so far!

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Edited By Razok

Love the new format! After 3 years of listening to the podcast and browsing the site I finally created an account just to say this.

The main enjoyment I get out of the "game of the year" series is remembering all the great games that came out during the year and finding ones that I may have missed. This format helps to focus the discussion on the individual games and I love the idea of going through them chronologically to help map out the year. These episodes are also a lot easier to listen to. I like hearing the different arguments when it comes to ranking categories but 20 hours of somewhat combative discussion is just too much of a slog. Keep up the great work!