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Personal Top Ten Zelda Games

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  • The best Zelda game of all time, the best game of all time. This was the game that got me into gaming, it hooked me and and never let go. Every year I go back and beat this game, I am not looking for more secrets because I found them all and I am not doing speed runs, I am just play for the pure joy of playing through the greatest adventure of all time. The controls are flawless and amount of contributions this game had to video gaming in general make it the best game of all time. I still get chills when you pull the master sword for the first time, a game like this is something very special and may never be topped.

  • A love letter to any Zelda fan Twilight Princess took everything from Ocarina of Time and improved on it. This game also wove the Wii controls flawlessly into its gameplay. The puzzles were great the story intriguing and to top it all off this is hands down the best looking Zelda game in the series.

  • The story alone in this game puts it high on this list, because this game marks Nintendo taking a risk and suceeding with flying colors. Majora's Mask gave us all a much different look at how we play Zelda games and I loved it. Sidequest are always fun and so are masks, plus it is also awesome to be a Goran and Zora.

  • I was not a fan of the cel-shading cartoon style of this game at first but I soon fell in love with this game after I realized how much fun this game was. The style of this game fit it perfectly and the gameplay is dead on. Take out the damn fetch quest at the end of the game and this game might be further up. Even sailing was fun and it is hard not to sit back and marvel at how large this world you are exploring really is.

  • This is a very controversial spot for this game because a lot of people put this game first, but this game doesn't have as much nostalgic value for me as it would be for others. I played this game well after I got into the series on the Gameboy Advance and while I found it extremely fun I was already more into the 3D Zelda games.

  • When you first start playing this game you might notice that this game was really inspired by the first Zelda game. I see the Oracle games as one game but I liked Seasons a lot better. This game is tons of fun and changing the seasons is definitely one of the coolest game mechanics in the series.

  • The inaugural game of an amazing series, it had to be on this list. This game is extremely hard and confusing but that is part of what makes it fun. For a game that looks so simple it is one of the most complicated games I have ever played. I would have never beat this game without help.

  • The main complaint of this game was the Ocean King's temple, but I didn't mind it that much and looking past that temple the puzzles were great and bosses were extremely creative and loads of fun. I also loved the the character development which is rare in Zelda games.

  • The puzzles in this game were some of the best in the series and honestly that is what Zelda is all about so why is it so low? That damn Pan Flute, it was a cool idea but executed horribly. I spent way too much time blowing into that damn microphone and the train parts weren't very fun either.

  • This being the last Zelda game on the Gameboy means that this is the last 2D Zelda game and it did the series justice. This game was tons of fun but oh so short.