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If you want one of those GB shirts, I have an extra one...

 When they announced the store opening, a fellow subscriber asked me to order him a shirt on the day that it opened, since he was going to be at work. I said fine, whatever, just pay me double. 
The store opened up for about 73 seconds, and I was able to buy me a shirt and him a shirt. Turns out, he got off early, and didn't tell me until the next day. 
Guess what? He ALSO was able to buy him a shirt. 
I completely forgot about this until I get my GB shirt in the mail, along with the extra, so now I have a dilemma. 
 The shirt isn't my size (He wears a 2XL), and truth be told, having 2 of these shirts would be a crime. 
I thought briefly about selling it, but NO! We are Giant Bomb dammit, a (slight) step above the rest of the internet. 
So I am going to give it away, for free, to someone else.  To prove that I am not bluffing, here is the shirt. 
I figure this way the people that missed the store (due to not getting an email, not being home, or not being a member) can still get in on the shirt fun.

 Comment on this, and it could be YOURS! Kiss those Hot Topic shirts GOODBYE!
 Comment on this, and it could be YOURS! Kiss those Hot Topic shirts GOODBYE!

Here's how this is going to work. I am going to post a picture of said shirt on Giant Bomb. 
In the comment section of the picture, tell me why you deserve the shirt.  
I am a poor judge of character, so I will draw the winner randomly, all you have to do is post any kind of comment on the picture. 
 Of course, if you think this is a bad idea, I could always do a "FOLLOW AND RETWEET TO WIN MY SHIRT" contest on twitter, but then there exists the possibility of someone outside the WM family winning it, and that would be a shame. 

Here is the link to the picture, comment here and you're in! Good luck. 
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you Giant Bomb (and other Whiskey Media folks).