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Where To Even Begin

Well Hello There, I didn't see you come in.

So I dissipated from GiantBomb for *looks at date* six years. But not lost! All I've been doing is listening to the bombcast for my weekly(ish) fix.

You didn't come here (or find me..) to hear me talk about the past, so im going to talk about the lesser past!

Game Stuff

Gears of Monsters Inc
Gears of Monsters Inc

My wife got me Disney Infinity for the PS3 for my Birthday. I have a kid now that demands a lot of the attention I have at home, and sometimes it can be difficult finding that perfect piece of content that's both Age Appropriate, and doesn't make me want to take a 9mm to the side of the head. Disney Infinity really fills that niche well. I can play this game without feeling like I'm bored or going out of my mind, because for a kids game focused on Disney characters; I was quite surprised to discover how unnervingly violent it actually is. The first thing we did, was play as Sully and his first mini-game in which I shot my college campus student body so hard with paint-balls, they'd literally explode into dismembered pieces! I realize it gets away with this because technically they're all toys, but when was the last time you strapped a cherry bomb to a toy and didn't feel slightly guilty about how uncharacteristically and unnecessary excess in wanton destruction what was you just done. And to make matters worse, it's not just paint-ball that earns you the points, oh no, you can beat up your fellow classmates American History X style with your bare fists. You know for those times where your in the middle of reloading. It's completely legit Paint-balling, right? (Technicality and all: but Why does Sully's paint-ball hopper only have like 10 rounds at a time before needing to stop to 'reload'? Who puts that little ammo in their marker?)

But why's the rum gone?
But why's the rum gone?

It didn't stop there neither, it really started getting that extra special brand of fucked up when playing Capt. Jack Sparrow. This dude now uses a sword, which looks and feel like no bullshit plastic wimpy sword I've ever seen on a toy (it even makes real sword noises when swung around and hitting things, like enemies), and to make matters more hilarious: A FLINTLOCK PISTOL WITH INFINITE AMMO.

It's funny how much the entire thing reminds me of Dreamworks and PIxar, and not in characters or anything. I mean that it's made for kids, but the creators know that the parents will also be there supervising, so they make it enjoyable for the adults too. I mean, my wife and kid are having a great time looking at all the pretty visuals and helping me out in choosing set pieces to make in toy box mode, and I'm having a great time satisfying my blood lust by slapping down an enemy generator or two, and going on a fucking rampage over here.

I think ultimately speaking, my PS4 has gotten a lot more time and attention than any other console in my household, and lets not make a mistake here: It's mostly just been the good ol Netflixtube. That said, I've mad eit a point to download every demo, grab every PS+ deal possible, try out most indie games, and buy as much PS4 goodness as I can in order to get some use out of the poor ol' boy.

So heres a quick rundown:

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition: Didn't play the original version, so this was a very welcome edition to enter my grasp. I really enjoyed it from beginning to end (finally).

Trials Fusion: Meh. Didn't like these much back when it was a flash game floating around the internet, don't like it much now especially considering I have to pay for it.

Resogun: I don't think anything has stolen more hours from my life in recent memory than this game. Probably because it was one of the few games I could just pick and and play and enjoy myself like back when I did this EXACT same thing with Geometry Wars when I got my brand new Xbox 360. Hey.. wait a sec..

FIFA 14: Ok I confess, sports games aren't my bag. But my name is in the credits on this one, so I gave it a shot, and I actually really liked it. Though I still know nothing about Soccer, and still don't really care.

Battlefield 4: It's battlefield. It's difficult to go wrong here.

Need for Speed Rivals: Oh god, this soaked up SO much of my free time when i finally plunked it in the disk tray (yes I bought the physical copy. I was young and stupid.) But the online mode was a "Ghost" Town to me (hahahaha, GET IT?! don't worry I've already slapped myself for that one) as I was pretty much the only one I knew at the time who bothered getting a PS4 on launch day. I should really pick it back up again, now that my friends list has evolved since that point, and more people I know own it.

Call of Duty Ghosts: Don't own it, and never will. It's REALLY difficult to give even the slightest crap about this franchise any-more. I wanted to mention it here, because I can already tell someones going to ask if thats one I have. I don't.

Mercenary Kings: I want to love this game SO much. I lvoe the art style, the animation, and the gun play. It reminds me straight up of Metal Slug and Gunstar Heroes. But on the other game, the gameplay mechanics dont lend itself to very intense combat, the need to stop and heal myself ruins flow, and the reloading OH MY GOD the reloading. It's a cute take on Gear's active reload, but damn. Im using a gun right now that only fires twice before I have to reload. ITS PAINFUL. I also cant stand the mission design. The levels are cute, but the mission design just slays me.

So thats all I've got. Decided to keep the update list mostly PS4 related (with the PS3 exception above). I'll update again soon with the stuff I've been playing on the PS3, Vita, and maybe even PC. Who knows.


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