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Best games I didn't play until 2014

Like so many people, I have a backlog. And while it is approaching the point of being insurmountable thanks to Steam sales and Humble Bundles, here's a few I finally managed to knock out a significant chunk of this year.

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  • Man this game is so fucking fun. Easily the best stealth game I've ever played. I'm slowing working on 100% this game, and that's a rarity for me.


    Seriously though, this game is really really REALLY good. Lee is probably my favorite character in any video game ever.

  • I want to like stylish combat games, but so many of them feel like they have a huge learning curve. This game hits the sweet spot of being easy to get into, but over time ramps up the difficulty so when you die, you never feel like the game is being cheap. Also, unlike the other DMC games I've played, the level design is a colorful mishmash of memorable locations instead of another gray castle.

  • Like everyone else has said, the story is dumb as fuck but the open world aspects are fantastic.

  • Used to be scared of this game because of hearing how hard it is. Upon playing 2/3rds of it, I'd say it's not so much difficult as it is demanding of your attention. Definitely worth a try if you want an RPG with a meticulously hand-crafted world.

  • I actually tried playing this on 360 a few years ago, and I thought the combat felt like a clusterfuck and the story was cookie-cutter fantasy. Having recently started playing it on PC, I can see that the combat is infinitely better with a mouse and keyboard. And while the main plot and world is still pretty bland, the characters are all unique and fairly interesting. I'm only 15 or so hours in, though, so it still has time to shit the bed.

  • Takes everything that was great about AC2 and expands on it. I'm kinda dreading about playing AC games from here on out because it seems like they're all a steady decline over time (with Black Flag being the lone exception).