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ModNation Racers

I went ahead and grabbed the Modnation Racers PSP and PS3 versions the other day at Gamestop and LOVE these games! I remember playing the demo's back when they were released and don't remember liking them all that much but either something has changed or I just "get it" now.  
My High Stakes version of Dead Rising 2 arrived in the mail the other day. I wish had the steel case from the Zombrex version but...what are you gonna do. Maybe I will pick it up at a later date.  



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Edited By Renocide

I went ahead and grabbed the Modnation Racers PSP and PS3 versions the other day at Gamestop and LOVE these games! I remember playing the demo's back when they were released and don't remember liking them all that much but either something has changed or I just "get it" now.  
My High Stakes version of Dead Rising 2 arrived in the mail the other day. I wish had the steel case from the Zombrex version but...what are you gonna do. Maybe I will pick it up at a later date.