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My Favourite Games of All Time

Still a work in progress :) Also, beware that my opinions suck

List items

  • Not only the best horror game I've ever played, but probably the greatest experience I've ever had with a video game. It has possibly the finest story in gaming history and is presented just as well. It's a game that still to this day fascinates me and remains as the height of gaming for me personally that I doubt many games could better. It's truly a one of a kind game that I implore anyone who has not had the chance to play it, should do so immediately.

  • A brilliantly designed game that is both emotionally satisfying and viscerally satisfying. The game tells an incredibly tragic but beautiful story combined with some of the greatest boss battles in any game to date.

  • A very stylish, surreal, violent and darkly funny examination of the nature of violence within games and our role as a player within the game. It's also pretty fucking fun.

  • My favourite ever CRPG that still holds up incredibly well to this day. Still as challenging, hilarious and fascinating as it was in 1998.

  • A perfect modern follow up to the first two Fallout games and shits on the face of Fallout 3. It successfully keeps the deep role playing elements, fascinating world and the hilarious black comedy from the first two games. Probably my favourite game of this generation.

  • If not for some serious AI issues, this would most certainly be my favourite game of this generation, but it still stands as an incredibly draining and emotionally powerful depiction of the apocalypse. Not only that but the game brilliantly gives the central characters no defined role as hero or villain. Without spoiling the game, every character isn't out for saving the world, in fact the world in the game is unsalvagable, they all commit terrible acts in order to protect what they hold dear to them. To me it is the gaming equivalent of Children of Men.

  • Noir has never been better captured within a video game than Max Payne 2. While certainly one of the most somber games I've ever played, it's still an incredibly smart and well written game with the closest depiction of Hong Kong action cinema you'll find in a game.

  • Never has campiness been so effectively used within a piece of fiction. There are many moments throughout this game that are incredibly ludicrous but immensely fun to witness, but what makes this game truly stand out is how it juxtaposes the campiness with punchy and emotional moments that hit very very hard. Combine that with a extremely fun and open stealth system, you get one of the most infinitely playable games of all time and stands out as my favourite in a series of games that I adore.

  • A gloriously shit abomination that is mechanically broken, terribly acted and embarrassingly rendered yet it remains as one of the most memorable and fun experiences I've ever had with a game. It's a game that completely defies logic and openly rips off far better stories but it's still an incredibly ridiculous and fun game.

  • For me personally, this was the height of the series which perfectly displayed the excess of its satire of America while still allowing the space to create chaos. While I think San Andreas is inarguably the better game mechanically, Vice City captures the craziness and excess required for the satirical world that GTA is set within and what better era to set it in than the 80s. It's also in my opinion the funniest of the series, where the writing was truly at its best and the Houser brothers have sadly never topped it within this series.

  • While Vice City is the height of the Grand Theft Auto series, for me the height of Rockstar's career is this revisionist Western masterpiece that will forever stand as a benchmark of how to create a story within an open world game. It has one of the finest stories ever told in a game with an incredibly uncompromising and emotional ending. Not only does it perfectly encapsulate the West in its gameplay, but in its plot. This game perfectly shows the fall of the West *applauds*

  • One of the very few games in existence that I would consider faultless in every aspect. Doom is a flawless shooter that not only stands as an exceedingly entertaining game but as a truly unique work of love. A game like Doom could have only been created from a team of people who all had the same interests and passion for creating games. It's so rare that a game of that kind of love gets made and it seems so fitting that it's not a long-winded, pretentious indie game about life, it's a game about relishing in shooting demons in the fucking face with a mass amount of weapons while listening to Pantera.