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Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2008

So after seeing Dboy's top 10 list, I got motivated to do my own. There are so many great looking games coming out this year it was tough to narrow it down to 10, but I finally did it, so here's my list!

More web slinging action.
More web slinging action.
Oh snap!
Oh snap!
9. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe -
As i'm sure everyone else was, I was pretty skeptical when I heard that the first next gen Mortal Kombat game was gonna incorporate characters from the DC Universe. But after thinking about it a bit and watching some footage, i've grown to be super excited for this one. The DC characters seem to have been done right, and the aerial kombat looks like it could be an interesting addition. And the flash is in it? Well hot damn count me in! Can't wait to beat the living crap out of Scorpion with him.

Decisions, decisions...
Decisions, decisions...
8. Fable 2 -
It's hard not to be at least a little bit interested in this game. Listening to Peter Molyneux talk about it is just straight up gripping. While I was interested before, I read an article about it in GamePro at one point that made me say "Oh wow that's gonna be awesome". It was talking about the types of decisions you'll get to make in the game and it gave an example saying that you might get to make the decision at one point to be tortured, or make the beautiful woman next to you be tortured. And to be the heroic type, you'd probably take the beating yourself. But the consequence is that you will be deformed and scarred for the rest of your life, and people will treat you differently because of how you look. That alone makes me want to play this game.

The new WoW? I doubt it but here's to hoping.
The new WoW? I doubt it but here's to hoping.
7. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning -
While most MMO's usually perk my interest at least for a little bit, this one really caught my attention. The art style looks great giving the game a bit of a goofey cartoony look while still keeping it looking dark and gritty, the PvP focus of the game sounds fun giving you the ability to form up a huge group to raid a city and in the end take over the city for your own faction, and the overall look of the UI seems simple and easy much like WoW. If this game lives up to my expectations, it could be sucking a lot of time out of my life once it releases.

Co-op done right.
Co-op done right.
6. Left 4 Dead -
This one has been on my radar for a long time. The idea of being thrown into a zombie infested area and being told almost nothing but "Survive" is incredibly appealing to me. I also like what they've been saying about how if you don't work together, you won't survive. I just hope the AI teammates aren't completely worthless incase you can't get a full team of 4 to join you on your zombie killing adventure.

5. Fallout 3 - I was pretty disappointed with the demo shown at Microsoft's press conference, but that doesn't mean that i'm not still super stoked for this game. Looks like a nice blend between Bioshock and Oblivion with a nice twist on it. The individual targetinng of body parts seems a little dumb to me, but maybe it'll turn out to be something I love when I actually get my hands on it. And one other thing that really grabbed my attention is that you start out as a baby. I'm really curious what you'll be doing as a baby. My guess would be some neatly integrated
Bloody greatness.
Bloody greatness.
tutorial teaching you how to do certain things you'll be doing when you're grown up only you'll be learning by using baby toys and doing things babies do like learn how to walk and eat. But that's just my guess. Only time can really tell.

I'll play some more Gears of War any day.
I'll play some more Gears of War any day.
4. Gears of War 2 -
I put countless hours into the first one, and i'm betting i'm gonna spend just as much time with this one if not more. The demo at Microsoft's press conference got me even more excited for it. With more finishers, more guns, better cover, more multiplayer modes, more epic scale battles, meat shields, and a longer campaign, I really can't see how this could go wrong. I'm just hoping that the campaign is something more like 10 hours instead of 6.

3. Mirror's Edge - I can't pinpoint what it is, but there's just something about this game that really gets me pumped every time I see it. There just hasn't been any games like this before. I like the very clean, white look to everything along with the first person view which really seems to make the speed and action in the game seem much more intense. My only worry though, is that
Beautiful and Original.
Beautiful and Original.
there isn't going to be much of a story. I can't really think of any way the story could be meaningful, though i've said that about a few other games and been wrong before. Maybe it's just the overall originality of the game that appeals to me so much, but whatever it is. This one is a must have in my book.

Creativity at it's finest.
Creativity at it's finest.
2. LittleBigPlanet -
I don't feel I really need to explain myself here. I'm sure everyone with a Playstation 3 has this on their radar at this point. The sheer depth of the game is mindblowing and the potential that it has is off the chain. I'm mostly looking forward to seeing what other people make, and then playing their levels though I will definitely be making some of my own. I'm gonna need some people to play with though cause nobody I know owns a Playstation 3, so add me to your friends and we'll make some crazy levels! Rezzolution17 is my PSN ID.

This is it. The one i've been waiting for.
This is it. The one i've been waiting for.
 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - I can't even begin to describe my excitement for this one. Over the past week, i've watched all 6 Star Wars movies, all 25 of the animated cartoon network episodes, and after this blog I think I might put in some Knights of the Old Republic to get me even more excited for this one's release. The entire idea of the game is exactly what I would want from a next gen Star Wars game. And being a badass jedi with tons of force powers at your disposal isn't even the most exciting part to me. I'm most excited for the story element of it. It seems like they're going all out with the story and making you feel emotionally connected to this character which I find super exciting. And on top of all this, the new Star Wars movie is coming out which actually looks pretty damn cool to me. This game has been on my mind for a long time. And it's finally almost here. In less than two more months, i'll finally be diving into the next chapter in the Star Wars saga!