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The top ten all time colorblind offenders.

Colorblindness. Half of the Giant Bomb team is familiar with it. A strong minority of video game fans struggle with it. But do you, the common gamer, understand the frustration of not being able to solve an otherwise simplistic puzzle, or finding it impossible to tell ally from opposition on a minimap? Of course you don't, you sit on your ivory tower! Well crane your neck out and have a peek at this. See what even your most beloved games have wrought.

List items

  • (The Spirit Flute)

    By far the most infuriating polygonal monstrosity I have ever encountered. Six notes, and to my eyes, about two colors. The instructional notes don't even look like they're the same color as on the flute. It's hard enough to blow on the DS even if you know what notes to select. Imagine spending nearly an hour desperately trying combinations.

  • There are enough color based puzzle games to fill its own top ten list, but this one has always stuck out as the toughest. In some versions of the game, the colored bubbles are nearly fully transparent, with slight hues to them. Fucking impossible.

  • (Space Pirates)

    There was a corridor about 2/3 of the way through this game where a number of space pirates attack. They each have different colored shoulderpads or something too subtle, which correlate to the weapon they are weak to. I had to memorize the order of all enemies to traverse it. What an exercise.

  • (pill puzzle)

    Survival horror games are huge colorblind offenders. Just like puzzle games, I could go on and on. Not even the brilliant Resident Evil 4 is innocent of this crime. This puzzle in the lackluster Silent Hill prequel game where you had to arrange multicolored pills under low light using a guide that did not match the tone the actual pills had was the absolute low point.

  • (follow the guard with a green Helmet)

    Aside from expecting you to know Morse code and other batshit things, trying to find the one solider in the base with a 3 pixel wide green helmet was pretty damn cruel.

  • (minimap)

    Green yellow and red dots can fuck off. Forget asking or giving a friend directions, because they'll only end in shouting matches.

  • (Hacking)

    The hacking minigame was one of my favorite parts of the original Bioshock. All it took was one look at the new hacking screen for me to say "no sale."

  • Yes, I know the note highway works like a traffic light, but I could not even start the game. I COULD NOT PASS THE MENU! Party's over.

  • (Just kidding - It's LEDs!)

    No GB entry for this one. I never know if my controller batteries are charged, or if my consoles are off or just sleeping. Stop mixing green and red! Blue. Use blue. I've got a Nyko wiimote charger that displays green and blue. See, that's how you do it!

  • (green & red shells)

    I suppose this one must be a blessing in disguise. I've gotten so accustomed to not knowing if my projectile will track on to its target, or fling hopelessly into oblivion. This has trained me to wield the most fearsome green shell in the sport of Karting Marios.