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Backlog of games to play.

I am so far behind on games to play it's litterally not funny. Currently I'm in the middle of playing Dead Space but on my shelf I have Fear, Crackdown, Singularity, Bioshock 1 and 2 all waiting to be played. Then, I have Portal 2, L.A. Noire, Bulletstorm and maybe, just maybe Duke Nukem Forever, MAYBE to buy. After those games there are the upcoming releases such as Arkham City, Mass Effect 3 and TES: Skyrim and, if Skyrim is anything like Oblivion I'll easily sink 200 hours into the game. As if all this wasn't bad enough, I'm now going into my last year of school before going to college. That means BIG LIFE AND CAREER DECIDING EXAMS, which means study and study means no time for gaming and no time for gaming is obviously not a good thing. Not to mention my parents made me give up my job for the year so that no money for these games.

Long story short; 1) lots of catch up to do

2) more and more games joining the queue

3) No time to play games

4) No money to pay for games

For the next year I'm basically screwed. Other than that I'm going to be excited to finish school once and for all.

Do you have any games in the pipeline?