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How I came across the Giant Bomb and why I'll never leave.

The Giant Bomb website was first shown to me roughly two years ago by that friend, that friend everyone has. The guy who is always one step ahead of the curve, the guy who knows about it before everyone else does. I don't mean to say he was the first 'outsider' to discover the Giant Bomb but he's the only other person I know of that knows about the Whiskey Media Family. He showed me the site and at first I was quite aprehensive, for as much time as I spend on the internet I'm still quite a wuss, I had a quick look (no pun intended (regardless of how funny or more likely not funny you found that.(What's with all the brackets?) (A bracket within a bracket; Inception))). I left the site and didn't return for some time. That time was when I discovered the weekly Eargasm that is the Giant Bombcast. Led by the smooth talking Ryan Davis, the brains of the operation and supported by the backing vocals of Jeff Gerstmann, a man with a mind for video games similar to Peter Molyneaux (the parody twitter account that is of course), Vincent 'The Italian Stallion' Caravella who has the maddest of mad video producing skills and last but by no means least Bradly Shoemaker. 'The Mouth of the South.'

This delectable podcast of indeterminable length makes my week every Tuesday. I get to join the gang in the sweaty sticky hot podcast room and laugh while I learn about all manners of things like, well videogames to apple pie with cheese. These guys create a sense of comunity found nowhere else on the web and make you feel like you're one of them. The guys have huge knowledge of all things videogames and listening to their banter has only made me hungrier for this knowledge. Over the years The Bomb Squad has influenced and entertained me so much that I would just like to say thank you.

The Giant bomb has beecome such an integral part of my life but as I mentioned earlier I was too afraid to create a profile and join the comunity, that is until two days ago. It took me reading this article for my passion of creating things to be reinvigorated. So create I shall! I'm going to try keep up this blogging thing because I want to write about videogames.

So this is all my brain can manage at two o'clock in the morning but I would be very interested in how you found the Giant Bomb and I'd love to hear any other sort of feedback/criticism constructive or not.

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