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I love blowing shit up!

With the wife and my tiny female quasi-clone out 'o town, I spent most of the weekend on my couch playing Mercenaries with my Xbox hooked up to the home theater.  I LOVE that game.  You've got to love core gameplay that revolves around blowing shit up.  Did I mention that I love blowing shit up?  If this were a real blog that people read and not just for my personal amusement, I would post some screens of shit blowing up here.  But that's way too much trouble.  My current video card doesn't have video capture so I would have to take pictures of my craptastic 27 inch low def TV.  And I'm just not going to stoop to that level.  Maybe I'll post some PC gaming screens later.  Probably pics of me flying something Russian in IL-2 or LOMAC.  I would love to post me gibbing someone in TF2 but it's really hard to take action shots while you play, especially when you're not very good in the first place.