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Average score of 7 user reviews

Garrett Stole My Heart 0

Thief 3: Deadly Shadows is easily one of my favourite games. I take an immediate liking towards atmospheric titles with unlikely heroes and engrossing stories, and this is no exception.As the series' protagonist, Garrett, you are a master thief. This is a great starting point: your primary duties involve sneaking around at night, pilfering valuable items that can be sold to a fence whilst completing story objectives for one of Thief's primary factions (the zealous Hammerites, the bookish Keepers...

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Mature and Quirky 0

The Witcher is a strange and unexpectedly rewarding role playing experience. Its dark story tones and ambivalent moral landscape are a little off-putting (it took me 18 months to sum up the courage to finally play it!), but the world is very immersive. As Geralt of Rivia, the player is given a monster hunter's perspective on a divided, racist state where thugs rule and the power of enchantment is quenched by the cruelness of the sword.There are many things to enjoy here, from the game's uniquely...

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Ode to a Game Poor, Yet Beloved 0

Upon first play, this game was a revelation that only served to augment my excitement about the Star Wars prequels. Along with the excellent Star Wars Episode 1: Racer, here was a game whose use of licensed music and familiar atmosphere (cue Ben Burtt's sound effects) got one's juri juices flowing. And it was the second game I played with hardware acceleration! (Voodoo 3 2000 for those that remember). When one is honest with oneself,  the Phantom Menace is a pretty poor game. Where are the exten...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Space combat with extreme Volition 0

The finite appeal of space combat simulation is unfortunate, because Volition's Descent: Freespace and its sequel are absolutely stellar (excuse the pun). The alien invasion narrative has seeped into video games in many permutations to be sure, but it is never more effective here, where the player feels constantly on the back foot - outclassed, outnumbered, cast into the loneliness of deep space. The plot is conveyed with conviction by excellent voice acting and a mixture of devices - amazing (f...

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Bioshock PC 0

This game presents a fairly extraordinary atmosphere, but one you loathe by the end. It is claustrophobic, oppressive and bleak, informed by a body of literature headed by Ayn Rand and other pioneers of the dystopian metropolis. The effort and detail is remarkable, but the game ends on a rather undecided note. It feels like is begins to construct something sizable, rich and diverse, but concentrates so single-mindedly on building up an overwhelming atmosphere that the conclusion feels almost lik...

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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 0

This is a truly phenomenal game, the sort which drives you to continue playing until the early hours of the morning when your eyes are red and you're on the verge of heart failure. As an enduring fan of the original Star Wars franchise, this proved to be a breath of fresh air.This was also my first venture into the world of role-playing games. I have deeply-entrenched action game sensibilities - I enjoy the immediacy and control of a proficient action title. This made KOTOR frustrating to begin ...

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Dreamfall: the Longest Journey 0

This title definitely has me in two minds. The moment I finished it, I felt compelled to play it through again and drink in the ambience of Stark and Arcadia. I was willing to overlook the fairly minimal gameplay and occasionally stilted animation, as the overall presentation knocked me for a six and I found the story meaningful and slightly melancholy.The major problem with that story is, the game fails to finish it. There is a distinct lack of closure quite different to the rather enchanting e...

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