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Edited By rowsbywoof

@ravelle said:

@zinkn: He's prepping their new weekly video feature, Burgle My Sailors.

Wouldn’t that be like Steal My Seaman, or something?

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Liking what I see, but definitely think it needs a patch or two before I sink any time into it. Looks like whatever cost Dan his save was manifesting again toward the end of the QL. I'll probably wait and pick this one up after a patch or two and a sale :)

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Edited By rowsbywoof

Must be pretty shitty to pop into the comments after finishing a stream and see folks debating whether or not you suck. Doubly so right before you head home for the weekend. Probably put a little storm cloud over Rorie's head on the way home.

I had a boss once chew me out at 6pm on a Friday, seconds before he logged off Slack and went radio silent on me. Shitty guy that did a lot of shitty things, but that basically sent me into a, "Seriously fuck this guy, and fuck this job!" attitude that didn't dissipate for a good 48 hours or so. Not fun.

I don't know if Matt is going to take this crap too seriously. I hope he doesn't. His responses made it seem like he was at least bothered by it and felt strong enough to respond. So, yeah... Pretty shitty.

Hope if you read this you're having a better weekend, Rorie. I don't always agree with the stuff you say, but from a fellow dog lover, gamer nerd, Jawbreaker fan, and writer... I think you're a pretty solid guy. Definitely proof positive here to never read the comments.

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We've been blessed by the presence of some full fledged anime scholars in this thread. Let their words guide us on a path to pure pop-culture enlightenment.

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@wobblysnake: The SNK of back then is long gone, like literally. Even SNK of SNK Playmore is long gone, and the Chinese company that holds the IPs now... I won't say they're not trying, but I don't think they're even close to capable of pulling off what the old SNK (even SNKP) was.

Sad, really, but I agree. I was one of the people who thought Heroines was going to be a pseudo sequel to Gals Fighter on the Neo Geo Pocket. I always thought that game didn't get the love it deserved, and was psyched we might actually get a new game in the series (and... Ms. X!) but then Heroines came out and it was horrific. I guess I should have known, the holding company that now owns SNK, Leyou Technologies Holdings, primarily specialized in chicken farming (for real) before wanting to get into gaming... So, for some chicken farmers, I guess this new SS isn't too bad.

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Just for the record, SS3 is pretty oddly the Neo Geo community's pick for favorite in the series, and there's a fan patched version for MVS/Home Cart that fixes some of the hit box issues, and I think tweaks some of the damage stuff, but sadly I can't tell the difference between it and my non-fixed cart.

My pick was always SS4 for best modern(at the time modern) and SS2 for classic. SS2 is a work of art. Everything about it is amazing, from presentation to overall game play, but 4 takes the best of that and really amps it up and gives the better button scheme. It also extended the life bars and fixed that matches can be over in seconds thing from SS3.

But, yeah... You're really in the minority, Jeff, if you hated everything post 2. Not saying 2 wasn't great, but most people loved SS3 or SS4 (and argue which one is better over and over) . Though, I think most will agree 5 was trash, and 5S was only slightly better, but since it holds the distinction of last official SNK game on the Neo, it's been inflated as slightly better than late n-g release dumpage. Though, again, I think there's some fun to be had in SS5S, even if is kind of a mess at times.

This game, though... Looks slow, clunky, and sadly really disappointing. I was hoping it would be worth picking up and was looking forward to the quick look, but now I just want to go play some SS4 instead.

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All these Advanced Wars comments and not a single person seems to remember there's a fantasy series by the same team called... Fire Emblem. So, this is a Fire Emblem clone, and honestly a simplified version of FE sounds more interesting to me than Fire Emblem these days so... Brad... take a turn.

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Jason... Why does it look like you've been mauled by a wild animal, or kid? Your arms are a mess... Seek help... Kid is rabid.

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Edited By rowsbywoof

The Dragon's Trap is one of my all time favorite games, and I came into Monster Boy a bit cautious as I was afraid they were going to screw it up. They totally won me over. As a sequel (or maybe prequel... but boy does that imply some things about this game and world if you end up working at a weapons shop as the pig for Wonder Boy III) this game hits all the right buttons for me. The remixed versions of the Wonder Boy III songs are instantly nostalgic, and getting this a year after the Dragon's Trap remake is like a freaking gift. Loving every minute of this.

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