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I get super competitive about the weirdest things. but I don't thi...

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“Good morning children, this is three dog, radio 3 wastelands and we’re here for you."

Now what has that nasty fat cat been up to. Sharpening her claws i bet. Yes these words greet me every 10 minutes on the air waves of capital 3 waste lands.

In short this is a gaming blog, if you haven’t realized this is a refrence to Fallout 3. I started this blog as a homage to the noobtoob Modcasts, “What you guys been playinz”.

So what have I been playing? Well considering this is my first post I will get rid of my backlog from about a month.

Fallout 3, Bethesda, PS3

Bethseda’s masterpiece Fallout 3 takes place in post apocolyptic D.C. 

I’m finding it hard to love Fallout 3. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it but I’m not playing it right. I’m playing it too much like a JRPG, trying to get everything the first time I do it. Also I find that I’m trying to do all the things people tell me. At the moment I’m going from Rivet City to Arefu. I’m also trying to be as evil as possible. I killed everyone in Megaton before blowing it up. Then when I go to kill all the people in Tenpenny I start gaining karma. Also, why are so many people in Rivet City unkillable? I want to make the halls flow with blood and I can’t do that if the doctor and the weapons dealers don’t die. I also find that I’m forcing myself to play. Mabey if I give myself a weekend and I finsih all my characters.

One little thing. WTF is up with exclusive downloadable content?. I want 10 more levels. I want to become nuclear. I want new companions. Bethesda hear my plea, put some DLC on the PS3.

“Thanks for listening childeren, this is three dog. and now, some music.”