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An A Capella and the power of a beautiful ending *spoilers*

 So I was just casually browsing Youtube, as I'm incredibly prone to do when I'm procrastinating, and I just stumbled across this:


It's only been a couple weeks or so since I beat Portal 2 but let me tell you: the game is still with me. One of the most absolutely incredible things about Valves games is how after finishing the game there are so many little revelations that are continually being discovered that the story is far from being fully developed for any single player. On that note, for me personally at least, I felt the ending with the turret opera, "Casa Mia", was amazing. The funniest part was that I actually had this part spoiled for me during the ARG madness in the days leading up to Portal 2's release but fortunately the ending had no context and literally no meaning at the time; in fact, it only served to fuel my already unbridled curiosity in regards to the story. So after finishing the game, seeing the ending and then finding out that the song was more than likely a mother's goodbye to her daughter, I can safely say that Portal 2 has potentially one of the greatest self contained stories (no sequel required) that I've ever encountered.  
Not to mention the fact that it almost made me cry.
So how about you guys? How did you feel about the ending? Did the turret opera bring you to tears? And if so, was it before or after you found out that the song was from Caroline to Chell? Think I'm just a giant pussy for essentially calling a game beautiful? Chime in below!