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#1  Edited By SavageManLove

I'm probably gonna ask for a reduction in hours at work so I have some extra "me" time and try to make best use of it. Been meaning to pick up a bicycle and ride that around a lot and exercise more again. Good way to get out and see things. I may just do that in the next few days. I don't know I just need to clear my head. This work grind is getting to me and I definitely realize I'm a sissy cop out for saying/thinking that given how others in this world have it a lot worse. Thanks for all the suggestions and stuff everyone, one thing at a time.

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#2  Edited By SavageManLove

I'm probably going to not focus on too many things at once so I don't go crazy so I might just delve into youtube videos. Found out we actually have a nice hd camera (Rebel T2i) so I'm going to buy an external microphone and probably a stand. I'm trying to figure out what a good program is for capturing footage off of PC games. Also what would be a good program to edit video on a pc?

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#3  Edited By SavageManLove

I definitely don't have any delusions about making the next angry birds or something. This is very much a stab in the dark just to see what happens because life sucks anyway type of thing.

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#4  Edited By SavageManLove


Thanks man.

One other question:

I remember Jeff talking about how to "get into" the biz in some of his Jar videos. Does anyone remember which ones those were? Don't really want to try to re watch all of them.

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#5  Edited By SavageManLove

Hello duders I require your serious assistance. At the good old age of 27 I find myself still living with my parents, not having a car and not remembering totally how to drive because I just stopped trying. Even though I got a Bachelors in Computer Science I ended up just getting a job in a library as a shelver where I've been for 6.5 years. I have poor people skills and skills with girls etc. I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing anymore guys. The last few days have been really tough for me, especially feeling like a disappointment to my parents. I need and want to change.

I honestly want my "career" to be in gaming. That is why I even initially went for my degree as I thought it would be cool to make games. I want to basically be (or at least start off) a lone wolf indie game developer probably starting off with making games for the Ipad/Iphone. I also want to get into writing about/making videos about games. Probably start a youtube channel and try my hand at that.

At work I recently started making every attempt I could to look at patrons and tell them hello or just look them in the eyes even for a brief moment. Also tonight after work my friend had me drive his car to the light rail station. It went pretty well and I'm going to start riding around with my dad I think and eventually just get my own car.

I'm honestly so scared yet so excited right now.

What I want to ask is where I can start with the game development and the youtube production.

Youtube: What would be a good HD camera to buy that's not TOO ridiculously priced and what would be a good video editing program to use.

iOS development: What books/tutorials can I start reading to learn how to development iOS apps and then eventually make games.

Games: are there any good books for just general game development theory and stuff?

Thanks a million and I apologize if this post doesn't totally sound coherent. I'm in a very dark moment mentally right now.

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#6  Edited By SavageManLove

Silent hill 2, 3, 4 but getting them on pc maybe be hard/pricey

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#7  Edited By SavageManLove

Broke down and just ordered a component cable and persona 4. Will mess with emulating later. Jrpgs were a staple of mine long ago until i just couldnt handle the grind anymore and mixed with playing an older system this is going to be a test for me in many ways. Would be nice to have a swan song to those old memories. Will pick up some horror games if things go well. Maybe fatal frame or echo night or something.

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#8  Edited By SavageManLove

Hmmm, I did actually recently build a 900ish dollar PC with a GTX 670 and stuff so maybe I will look into this PS2 emulator. I definitely don't want to pirate or anything so if I could use the actual game discs that would be cool. Thanks guys.

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#9  Edited By SavageManLove

Was making lunch and my dusty PS2 sitting in the corner of the living room caught my eye. Had a weird desire to plug it in and see if it still worked. Ended up playing an hour of Silent Hill 2 and had to stop myself. I just have the old composite cables but is it worth getting some of those PS3/PS2 component cables to improve the image quality? Or does it not improve it much at all? Just hoping for a way to un-ass the image quality as much as I can for an HDTV although I realize it'll still look bad anyway. Really want to revisit some games I think (like the Silent Hill series) and play some other horror games I missed and check out a couple of RPGs, especially Persona 4. Any recommendations?

P.S. I have an old phat version, is it worth getting that 2007 revision slim?

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#10  Edited By SavageManLove

I take it you've already played Skyrim right?